School Site Council (SSC)

School Site Council (SSC) Link to this section

The members of the School Site Council are expected to:

  1. Review the SFUSD Strategic Plan: Beyond the Talk
  2. Review and analyze student data
  3. Solicit community input and develop a needs assessment
  4. Assist the principal in developing the Strategic Plan and school site budget
  5. Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the Strategic Plan on an ongoing basis
  6. Attests the Strategic Plan and school site budget before they are submitted to the District for final review and approval.

The School Site Council meets once a month.


Galileo School Plan for Student Achievement Fall 2019(link is external)

Galileo School Plan for Student Achievement Spring 2020(link is external)

Galileo School Plan for Student Achievement Fall 2021(link is external)

This page was last updated on July 7, 2022