Downtown High Wellness Services

DHS Wellness Services Link to this section

All services are free and confidential.
  • Social/emotional supports: Wellness check-ins, 1:1 counseling, case management and crisis response
  • Identity and Enrichment Groups: Cultural identity groups, emotional support groups & enrichment groups
  • Info and access to community based resources: jobs and internships, legal services, immigration services, counseling, limited housing info and other resources needed during the pandemic and beyond
  • Health services: Health assessments and referral, health advice, health insurance information and help with applications, COVID-19 concerns, medical case management, sexual health referrals
  • Crisis assessment and referrals: Safety, suicide assessments and substance abuse referrals
  • Brain Breaks: Quiet time to sit and reflect so you can stay in the game!

IMPORTANT: If you are having thoughts of harming yourself or others, or feel unsafe in any way, please IMMEDIATELY contact Child Crisis or 911.

If you need someone to talk to and it is after school hours (8am - 5pm) please text HOME to the Crisis Text Line at: 741-741

Wellness Referral Link(link is external)

This page was last updated on March 17, 2022