CIS Events

CIS Events

 CIS Spirit Days for 2024-2025

Oct. 4, 2024Pattern Day – Wear something patterned
Nov. 1, 2024  Sports Day – Wear your favorite team apparel or dress in sport
Dec. 6, 2024 Hat Day – Wear any type of hats 
Jan. 10, 2025 Pajamas Day – Wear pajamas  
Feb. 7, 2025 Creative Hair Day – Style your hair in a fun and creative way
Mar. 7, 2025 Favorite Color Day – Dress all in your favorite color
Apr. 11, 2025 Stuffed Animal Day – Bring a stuffed animal
May 2, 2025 Favorite Book Day – Bring your favorite book to share!


Harper for Kids - 2024-2025 Year-Long Character Trait Focus by Month

MonthThemeCelebration Date
Aug/SepCooperation, self-control合作、自律10/11/24
OctoberFitness, Alertness健康, 警覺性11/8/24
NovFriendship, Loyalty友情丶 忠心/ 忠誠12/13/24
DecHard Work, Skill努力1/17/25 
JanPoise (just be yourself), Confidence舉止,自信心2/14/25 
FebTeam Spirit, Enthusiasm團隊精神3/14/25 
MarchAction, Determination行動、決心4/18/25 
AprilPersonal Best盡你所能5/9/25 


Harper for Kids

This page was last updated on August 28, 2024