Argonne Cell Phone and Smart Watch Policy

Student Cell Phone and Smart Watch Policy Link to this section

Cell phones and smart watches are a common tool for communication. Research also shows they negatively impact learning because they distract focus. They can also be stolen and cause other conflicts.  You may bring a cell phone only if absolutely necessary with prior Principal approval. Phones are not to be used to talk, take pictures, play games, record or text during school hours, including recesses. 


If you must have a cell phone or smart watch at school:

  • A signed parent/guardian permission form must be on file in the school office. 
  • Permission forms are located in the office for parent pick-up. 
  • Phones are stored with the classroom teacher during school hours. 


If you need to communicate with family during the day:

  • If you need to call your parents, you can ask in the office or after-school program to use the school phone or your phone.
  • If your parents need to message you, they can call the Argonne Office at (415) 750-8460 between 7:50 am and 2:05 pm or the phone number provided by the after-school programs during those hours. 


Consequences for breaking the policy:

  • 1st Time: Cell phone will be taken away and returned at the end of the day. 
  • 2nd Time - Cell phone will be taken away and locked up in the office until parent/guardian can pick it up.
  • 3rd Time - You will no longer be allowed to bring a cell phone to school until a parent conference with the principal or after-school program leaders is held.


The school is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen phones. Thank you for understanding that your safety and ability to focus on learning are our most important priorities and that we will ensure you are able to communicate with your family during the school day as needed.

This page was last updated on March 6, 2025