State of Aptos Communications

Announcement Details

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Announcement Message

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September 15, 2023


Greetings Parent(s) and Guardian(s),


I want to begin by thanking you for the opportunity Aptos has to guide and educate your student(s).  The middle years are a time where students are exploring their abilities, developing social skills, and finding purpose.  This can be a challenging time and yet exciting! Aptos is committed to partnering with you to ensure this is a learning environment of excellence and supports the whole-child.


As the five week mark of school is ending, I want to provide you with the State of Aptos Middle School to date and the timelines. The 6th grade science teachers have all been hired (Gabriel Kupelian and Duncan Mitchinson-Fields), Larry Gonzalez, Visual Arts will start Monday, September 18, K. Ridad has taken on the Physical Education position, Mr Francis Vinas-Reyes has been promoted to the position of Head Counselor/Dean and will continue to be the 7th grade counselor until the position is filled.    We currently have 4 vacancies to date.  Offers have been extended to 3 new hires (8th grade Science, 6th grade Social Studies and Special Education), who are Onboarding with Human Resources.  The tentative timeline is about 2 - 4 weeks.  The Administration team, office secretaries, and teachers have been working extremely hard to ensure classes are covered by certified teachers, qualified substitutes, and central office content specialists to provide curriculum based instruction.


Mark your calendars for Back-to-School Night Thursday, September 21, 6 - 8 p.m. Parents will have an opportunity to be a student by visiting your student’s classes.  Please sign up for ParentVue,  this is the primary communication with school personnel.  Also, we request your assistance in completing the Multi-purpose Family Income Form  to support school funding.  You can contact the school and ask for Ms. Ramiez and/or click the above link.   In addition you are invited to join school advisory committees.  Please view link for gather more insight


Your partnership and collaboration is greatly appreciated.. 


In Service,


Dimitric M. Roseboro, Principal 


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