Welcome Letter from the PTSA

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Announcement Message

2023-24 School Year PTSA Welcome Letter(link is external) | español(link is external) | 中文(link is external)

Dear Aptos Community,

Welcome to a new school year at Aptos Middle School! Whether you are returning to Aptos or joining us for the first time, we’re so happy to have you as part of our community!   

Thank you to our wonderful community for helping us with several successful events last year.  We deeply appreciate your support in strengthening our school. Last year with your generous contributions our PTSA raised funds for student activities, school events and classroom supplies. You also volunteered at events, donated items for monthly teacher breakfasts and showed support for our athletic teams. Thank You!!  

We are looking to build on last year’s momentum by organizing more community events, fundraising events, and engaging more families with our PTSA efforts.

Our very first event of the year, a welcome back pizza and ice cream social, is right around the corner on Friday, August 25th.  Please join us for this beloved start-of-the-year tradition!

WhatAptos Welcome Back Pizza & Ice Cream Social

WhenFriday 8/25/23, 6:00pm-8:00pm

WhereCafeteria & Main Yard

Pizza and ice cream will be served and we will have merchandise sales set up (shirts, hoodies, car magnets).  All Teachers/Staff/Students/Parents and Guardians are welcome to come grab a slice and a frozen treat while catching up and capping off our first full week of school.  This is a free event and a great time for our community to socialize, connect, and stock up on Tiger gear! 

Looking forward to the year ahead, there are so many ways you can help create a strong Aptos Community: 

  • Join ParentSquare

ParentSquare is a communications platform maintained by the PTSA (by parents/guardians, not SFUSD) and is used to reach out to families, coordinate Aptos community activities, share upcoming school events, and as a forum for parents to ask school-related questions to other Aptos parents. This platform is separate and different from ParentVue, which SFUSD uses to communicate student assignments, grading, and attendance. 

ParentSquare is the easiest way for the PTSA and parents to communicate directly with each other. It’s free for families, and easy to join!

To join click on the linkAptos Parent Square Opt-In Form(link is external)

Questions directed to parents should be posted to the "Aptos Community" Group.
If you have any questions or issues with ParentSquare, please email AptosParentSquare@gmail.com(link sends email).
(Note that some questions are best directed to staff members, who may not see posts on ParentSquare. If you have a question that only a staff member can answer, please contact the school directly.)

  • Join our PTSA (Parent Teacher Student Association)

Calling all Aptos parents, caregivers, students and teachers! Join the Aptos PTSA to help fund student activities, community events and teacher needs. The PTSA also provides a critical platform, ParentSquare, for communication and partnership between Aptos families. 

Click here to join or renew your annual PTSA membership now and make a difference for your child and community! ($10/adult, $5/student, $10/community sponsorship options available.)  

Here are some of the important ways your membership & donations support our students and school community:

  • Classroom and staff grants
  • Clubs and Field Trips
  • Technology support
  • Community building and back to school
  • Library activity support
  • Flexible classroom furnishings
  • Graduation and yearbook
  • Cultural Programs & Celebrations

Membership Link:  https://www.sfusd.edu/school/aptos-middle-school/ptsa

We’re so excited about the year ahead! We look forward to partnering with our wonderful Aptos teachers and administration to support an engaged, equitable, and educational environment for our kids. We hope you will join us - on ParentSquare, as a PTSA member, and at community and fundraising events - throughout the coming year. 

Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions or ideas! 


Maritess Hoy & Cynthia Inaba

Aptos PTSA Co-Presidents 2023-2024


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