John Muir Elementary School November 19, 2020
Activate your ParentVUE Account
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Yick Wo Alternative Elementary School October 23, 2020
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El Dorado Elementary School October 19, 2020
Information on El Dorado's next School Site Council Meeting
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Frank McCoppin Elementary School July 20, 2024
FMES offers three after care programs. Learn more and apply for Fall 2024.
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Herbert Hoover Middle School October 5, 2020
Questions about iPads, Chromebooks, or Hotspots.
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Everett Middle School February 4, 2021
Everett is holding elections for the English Learners Advisory Committee (ELAC). / La escuela Everett tendrá elecciones para elegir a los miembros del Comité Consejero para Alumnos Aprendiendo Inglés (ELAC).
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Independence High School October 2, 2020
Make an appointment for tech support for you or your child
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Everett Middle School September 20, 2021
This year, all students may receive free breakfast and lunch. You can still apply as you may qualify for other public benefits.
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Tenderloin Community Elementary School October 24, 2022
TCS has a few upcoming events for families. Please mark your calendars. We hope to see you there!
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Dolores Huerta Elementary School September 1, 2020
A Williams Complaint allows a student, family, teacher, or any member of the public, to file grievances regarding K-12 schools for insufficient textbooks and instructional materials; teacher vacancy or misassignment; and facility conditions.
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