Assemblymember Matt Haney is thrilled to collaborate with Code Tenderloin to host "Joy to the City," a fun-filled and festive event dedicated to celebrating the winter holidays with our diverse community.
Mission Bit offers free coding classes from Feb. 12 - May 10. Classes include Intro to Web Design and Intro to Unity Game Design. Classes are beginner friendly and project based! Apply by this upcoming Sunday, Jan. 14, 2024.
The annual Citywide Summer Resource Fair features representatives from 100 summer camps, classes, and programs for children in grades K-8, and is an excellent way to kick off your family’s summer planning.
Every 5 years, the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD) reaches out to the San Francisco community to learn about housing preferences, needs, and to better understand the experience with housing services, non-housing community services, and workforce development services offered by the City of San Francisco.