Malcolm X Academy Elementary School
Info about the available online resources
Lafayette Elementary School Programs
VAPA programs offered at Lafayette
Raoul Wallenberg High School Students Counseling
Important information for Seniors at Wallenberg
Herbert Hoover Middle School Students
Information about school meals at Hoover.
The Academy - San Francisco @ McAteer
Reporting an absence
The Academy - San Francisco @ McAteer
Team Schedules, Team Information
Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts
The Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts is a public, audition-based, alternative high school in the San Francisco Unified School District committed to equity and excellence in the arts and academics for all of our community members.
The Academy - San Francisco @ McAteer
Two years ago, Academy began a robust redesign process with the goal of preparing our students for life after high school. In collaboration with our district and community partners, we've designed a four-year pathway that supports SFUSDs' College & Career Readiness goals. Our students also have the opportunity to earn college credits while in high school! Sign up for a school tour!
Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts About
Ruth Asawa SOTA Leadership Team
The Academy - San Francisco @ McAteer Learn about our new school Design!
Our 23-24 admin team is comprised of Hollie Mack (Principal) and Erin Gallagher (Assistant Principal).