Get Involved with the Middle Grades Redesign

Calendar of Events Link to this section

  • July: PBL World, New Tech Network Annual Conference & SFUSD Teacher Leader Facilitation Bootcamp
  • August 27: Board of Education Update
  • October 22: UESF Task Force
  • November 2019: Family Survey in partnership with Parents For Public Schools San Francisco
  • December 2019: Family Focus Groups @ Roosevelt & Francisco
  • December 2019: Student Focus Groups @ Roosevelt & Francisco

If interested to learn more about the redesign, please schedule with your school's principal team.


In 2013, hundreds of educators, parents, students, community members, and elected officials participated in the process that led to Vision 2025, San Francisco Unified School District’s bold and inspiring vision for educating our young people.

Central to Vision 2025 is the Student Graduate Profile, which describes the skills and dispositions our community wishes to see as students graduate from SFUSD.

To realize the aspirations of the Student Graduate Profile, we realize that some changes to the organization of the existing school day will be necessary. To accomplish this, SFUSD has been engaged deeply with school principals to take the first steps in a Vision 2025 “Middle School Redesign”.

As of January 2018, we crafted a model that represents our best thinking about a middle grades learning experience that aligns to the Key Shifts of Vision 2025. We envision a period of sustained engagement with the SFUSD community about this best thinking, with the goal of hearing feedback, making refinements, and resolving potential challenges.

SFUSD envisions this model beginning in a set of volunteer middle schools in the 2019-2020 school year, and that all middle schools will transition to this new schedule by the 2021-2022 school year. Prior to any final decisions, we envision creating opportunities during an 18 month-long period to seek and collect feedback from our community on the key elements of SFUSD’s Vision 2025 Middle School Redesign.

Please complete this survey form(link is external) after participating in an information session so we can collect feedback from various stakeholders across the city, analyze ideas and apply trends to the model moving forward. Your individual feedback is confidential and data will be reported in greater themes and trends.

This page was last updated on November 29, 2019