Stop, Drop & Go

What does a Stop, Drop & Go Volunteer Do?

Volunteering is easy. Parents will have peace of mind knowing that their children will not have to cross busy streets, walk into traffic or otherwise be placed in danger on their way to school. It’s a great way to start your morning - greeting happy children and parents!

When you arrive at 8:20 am, you will place orange traffic cones in the street to direct cars into the drop off area. You will help children out of the car and supervise them as they enter the school grounds.

In order to keep this program running smoothly, parents of each class are asked to help. We need 4-6 parents each morning to volunteer 20 minutes of their time. You can bring your children to school early on the day you volunteer. Based on the number of classes at Alamo, you will only be asked to volunteer two times per classroom per year. We are also taking names of honorary volunteers who would like to volunteer on a semester basis if they have one day they are available and would like to help.

This page was last updated on May 31, 2024