
Support the RMS Annual Fund Link to this section

“Together We Are Trojan Strong”

Roosevelt’s PTSA raises money to bridge the gap between federal and state funds provided to our school and the cost of the resources and programs we offer. Ways to give: 

  • via PayPal to make a one-time donation or set up a set up a recurring monthly amount or via Credit Card to make a one-time contribution: https://www.rmssf.org/donate(link is external)
  • via personal check made payable to “Roosevelt PTSA” and mailed to campus (460 Arguello Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94118or placed in the PTSA drop box outside of the main office.  

Regardless of how you give, be sure to add in the “notes” section: student’s name + grade, email address to send a tax letter, your employer, if they offer a match to your donation.

All donations are tax deductible. The Roosevelt PTSA Tax ID number is 90-0809982. 


This page was last updated on October 12, 2021