Contact Us

The Early Education Enrollment Office is open from 8am to 4:30 pm Monday thru Friday. You can also reach us at: (415) 241-6085 or (415) 401-2500. 

Parents can call our main numbers and dial their enrollment specialist’s extension to leave a message or call either of our SFUSD Early Education Department Enrollment Offices at 555 Franklin (415) 241-6085 or 1520 Oakdale (415) 401-2500.

Applying to PreKindergarten 

To apply for subsidized PreK, parents can complete the online application at is external). Or email their application to EED at sends email) and we can enter it into Early Learning SF.  For families who are applying for the Tuition Based slots, they can mail PreK application along with the non-refundable $175.00 (money order or cashier’s check) to either address indicated on the application.

If you have any questions about the PreK application or enrollment process, you can contact the Early Education Office by email at sends email).

PreK Applications

English PreK Application(link is external)     Solicitud de preescolar en español (link is external)    中国学前班申请(link is external)

  Link to this section

Out-of-School Time Program

The Out-of-School-Time (OST) Program serves children in grades TK-5, and offers educational instruction before school, after school, during Spring and Summer Break, and other times when schools are not in session. SFUSD offers limited bussing from some elementary schools to sites that operate OST classrooms. For more information, locations and how to enroll,  please visit the SFUSD Out-of-School Time Program web page.

This page was last updated on December 9, 2024