K-2 Computer Science - Orange - Unit 3 Scratch Jr.


orange bot

ScratchJr is a developmentally appropriate programming language designed specifically for children aged five through seven by teams at Tufts University and MIT. Using the ScratchJr app, children can create their own interactive collages, animated stories, games, and other programs.
In this unit, which can be further divided into two modules, students will learn a series of concepts and skills that are applied in two primary creative projects -- an interactive collage and an animated story. Through these lessons, students will learn how to express their own ideas in a way that a computer can understand. These lessons were designed to support students working individually and in pairs, with 1-2 tablets per pair.

ScratchJr Dance Party Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 13 (Module 1)

View the Lesson Plan - O3-13: ScratchJr Dance Party(link is external)

Lesson Overview

Students will be introduced to, or review, the ScratchJr programming environment. They will explore two categories of blocks - motion (blue) and looks (purple) - which they will sequence to create a fun dance party with 1 or more characters in ScratchJr.


  1. Ask: What rules and procedures did we use with Bee-Bots? Which rules and procedures should we now use with tablets and ScratchJr?
  2. Unplugged Mini-Lesson: Program the Teacher (optional)
  3. ScratchJr Mini-Lesson: using motion (blue) and looks (purple) blocks
  4. Independent Work Time: Dance Party!
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What is one success you had while programming in ScratchJr today?
    • What were you able to make your cat (or other character) do today?


  • Tablets: 1-2 per pair of students


  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.1 Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences.
  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.
  • CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.

More Moves Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 14 (Module 1)

View the Lesson Plan - O3-14: More Moves(link is external)

Lesson Overview

Students will use inputs on motion (blue) and looks (purple) blocks to write shorter, more efficient programs in ScratchJr. They will then create a project in ScratchJr in which a character tells a story by moving to various points on a selected background.


  1. Ask: What are you excited to create in ScratchJr?
  2. Unplugged Mini-Lesson: Guess the Program / Program the Teacher (optional)
  3. ScratchJr Mini-Lesson: using inputs with motion (blue) blocks, adding the yellow "green flag" block to start a program
  4. Independent Work Time: More Moves!
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What is one success you had while programming in ScratchJr today?
    • What were you able to make your cat (or other character) do today?


  • Tablets: 1-2 per pair of students


  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.1 Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences.
  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.
  • CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.

The Big Event Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 15 (Module 1)

View the Lesson Plan - O3-15: The Big Event!(link is external)

Lesson Overview

Students learn what events are and why they are useful in programs. They will learn to use the start on green flag events and end blocks in ScratchJr. Students will also become familiar with how to program more than one character using the green flag. This allows parallelism, or multiple subprograms executing at the same time.


  1. Ask: What do you remember about one of the ScratchJr programming blocks you used last class?
  2. Unplugged Mini-Lesson: ScratchJr Simon Says(link is external) Part 1: Single Moves (optional)
  3. ScratchJr Mini-Lesson: using the green flag to trigger parallel programs to run at the same time
  4. Independent Work Time: Parallel Programs
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What is one success you had while programming in ScratchJr today?
    • What were you able to make your cat (or other character) do today?



  • event: an action that causes something to happen
  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.1 Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences.
  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.
  • CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.

Old Macdonald’s Farm Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 16 (Module 1)

View the Lesson Plan - O3-16: Old Macdonald's Farm(link is external)

Lesson Overview

Students create an animated scene as the culminating project to the first ScratchJr unit module. They will review the concepts and programming blocks that they have learned, and then they will program the scene of Old Macdonald’s farm, where the various farm animals each have their own movement and actions programmed by students.


  1. Ask: What did you use the green flag to do when programming in ScratchJr last class?
  2. Unplugged Mini-Lesson: ScratchJr Simon Says(link is external) Part 2: Multiple Moves (optional)
  3. ScratchJr Mini-Lesson: using the jump, initialization, and the green recording blocks
  4. Independent Work Time: Old Macdonald's Farm
  5. Reflection & Close-Out:
    • What is one success you had while programming in ScratchJr today?
    • What were you able to make your cat (or other character) do today?



  • event: an action that causes something to happen
  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order

Additional Resources


  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.1 Select and operate computing devices that perform a variety of tasks accurately and quickly based on user needs and preferences.
  • CA CSS: K-2.CS.2 Explain the functions of common hardware and software components of computing systems.
  • CA CSS: K-2.AP.12 Create programs with sequences of commands and simple loops to express ideas or address a problem.

Getting Loopy Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 17 (Module 2)

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students will learn about the concept of looping through both unplugged and programming-based activities.

In the unplugged lesson, students will perform a simple dance using directions that have repeated commands. As a class, we will revise the directions to include loops.

In ScratchJr, students will learn about changing the numbers on motion blocks and how to use the repeat and repeat forever blocks. They will use each of these blocks in ScratchJr projects that they build along with their teacher and class. The teacher can select the project involving loops, or s/he can select from three suggestions provided. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Getting Loopy(link is external) - unplugged activity (10-15 minutes)
  2. Getting Loopy in ScratchJr(link is external) (25-40 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes):
    • What does a loop block do? What does it look like?



  • loop: the action of doing something over and over again

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-CS-01: Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-09: Model the way programs store and manipulate data by using numbers or other symbols to represent information.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-10: Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.

School Story Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 18 (Module 2)

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students will learn how to add sound as well as speech bubbles to their projects. They will also learn how to add a new page and the wait block to a project, by creating a story about their school day that involves multiple scenes (or pages). This lesson will prepare students for the story project by providing them with the ScratchJr tools they will need to make multi-page stories and make characters communicate. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: choose one on digital citizenship or the impacts of computing from this list(link is external) (5 minutes)
  2. School Story(link is external) (40 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes):
    • How many different scenes were in your School Story? What happened in each scene?



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-CS-01: Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-10: Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-11: Decompose the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.

Animation Project: Part 1 Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 19 (Module 2)

Lesson Overview

The animation project is the culminating activity for the curriculum and will require two sessions of about an hour. Students will create a ScratchJr project to animate a story that students have read in class or one that students imagine themselves. This project requires students to apply all of the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout the course.

On the first project day, students will learn about the elements of a story. They will then spend the remainder of the lesson designing their own stories. On the second project day and last lesson of the curriculum, students will spend the entire lesson creating and then sharing their stories with the class. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: How to Make an Animation(link is external) (5 minutes)
  2. Animation Project: Part 1(link is external) (40-50 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes):
    • What was challenging about making your own animation today?



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • persistence: trying again and again, even when something is very hard
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-CS-01: Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-10: Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-11: Decompose the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-12: Develop plans that describe a program's sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-14: Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.

Animation Project: Part 2 Orange Level: Unit 3, Lesson 20 (Module 2)

Lesson Overview

The animation project is the culminating activity for the curriculum and will require two sessions of about an hour. Students will create a ScratchJr project to animate a story that students have read in class or one that students imagine themselves. This project requires students to apply all of the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout the course.

On the first project day, students will learn about the elements of a story. They will then spend the remainder of the lesson designing their own stories. On the second project day and last lesson of the curriculum, students will spend the entire lesson creating and then sharing their stories with the class. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: How to Make an Animation(link is external) (5 minutes)
  2. Animation Project: Part 2(link is external) (40-50 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes):
    • What are you most proud of in your animation project?



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • persistence: trying again and again, even when something is very hard
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-CS-01: Select and operate appropriate software to perform a variety of tasks, and recognize that users have different needs and preferences for the technology they use.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-10: Develop programs with sequences and simple loops, to express ideas or address a problem.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-11: Decompose the steps needed to solve a problem into a precise sequence of instructions.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-12: Develop plans that describe a program's sequence of events, goals, and expected outcomes.
  • CSTA 1A-AP-14: Debug errors in an algorithm or program that includes sequences and simple loops.

Change the Pace Orange Level: Unit 3, (Other Lessons)

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, children will be introduced to the concept of speed in ScratchJr. Through interactive activities, students will acquire an understanding of this concept and how to apply it in ScratchJr. During the lesson, students will be able to design and create their own projects using concepts learned in this and prior lessons. Their projects will involve a race between two or more characters, which they will share to the class. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: (3 minutes)
  2. Change the Pace(link is external) (40-50 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes)



  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-A-5-2: Construct programs, to accomplish a task or as a means of creative expression, which include sequencing, events. and simple loops, using a block-based visual programming language, both independently and collaboratively (e.g., pair programming).
  • CSTA 1A-C-7-9: Identify and use software that controls computational devices. (e.g., use an app to draw on the screen, use software to write a story, control robots, etc.).

The Tortoise and the Hare Orange Level: Unit 3, (Other Lessons)

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, students will apply the concepts they have learned throughout the course in order to animate the story of a race between the tortoise and the hare. In this story, the hare is swift but stops to rest, and this allows the slower tortoise to win the race. Students will use ScratchJr to create an animated story with 3+ pages and 2 characters, involving most of the command blocks they have learned to use. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: The Incredible Power of YET(link is external) (5 minutes)
  2. The Tortoise and the Hare(link is external) (40-50 minutes)
  3. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes)



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-A-5-2: Construct programs, to accomplish a task or as a means of creative expression, which include sequencing, events. and simple loops, using a block-based visual programming language, both independently and collaboratively (e.g., pair programming).
  • CSTA 1A-A-3-5: Decompose, or break down, a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.
  • CSTA 1A-C-7-9: Identify and use software that controls computational devices. (e.g., use an app to draw on the screen, use software to write a story, control robots, etc.).

Build a Snowman

Lesson Overview

In this optional lesson, students will learn how to use the paint editor in the ScratchJr app to draw a snowman. They can transform this project into an animation by then programming their snowman to speak, move, and/or interact with other characters. (Full lesson plan coming soon!)


  1. Video: The Magic of Mistakes(link is external) (5 minutes)
  2. Build a Snowman(link is external) (20 minutes)
  3. Animate Your Snowman (20-30 minutes)
  4. Reflection & Close-Out (5 minutes)



  • decompose: break a problem down into smaller pieces
  • debugging: finding and fixing errors ("bugs") in programs
  • program: an algorithm that has been coded into something that can be run by a machine.

Additional Resources


  • CSTA 1A-A-3-5: Decompose, or break down, a larger problem into smaller sub-problems with teacher guidance or independently.
  • CSTA 1A-C-7-9: Identify and use software that controls computational devices. (e.g., use an app to draw on the screen, use software to write a story, control robots, etc.).
  • CSTA 1A-D-4-14: Create a model of an object or process in order to identify patterns and essential elements. (e.g., water cycle, butterfly life cycle, seasonal weather patterns, etc.).

This page was last updated on September 14, 2023