3-5 Computer Science - Green - Unit 4 Synchronization


green cat

In the final unit, students will investigate the computer science concept of synchronization through the Use - Modify - Create framework by first being introduced to the concept through a variety of multimodal activities, then exploring it in Scratch before creating their own original Storytelling project in Scratch incorporating this concept. Students will also collaborate on computational artifacts, debug problematic programs, provide feedback on each other's work, and reflect on their own progress throughout the unit.

Discover: Synchronization Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 1

View the Lesson Plan Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 1

Lesson Overview

Students will be introduced to the computer science concept of synchronization through plugged and unplugged activities. A variety of activities are included below to provide the teacher with choice around best supporting their students' comprehension of this concept.



  1. ⭐️ Introduce: Use the pages in the Green Workbook to introduce students to synchronization. (5-10 min.)

  2. 🤖 Engage: Select from the activities below to engage students in learning about synchronization and what they do in computer programs. (35-50 min.)

  3. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.


  • varies, based on the activities selected below

  • Green Level Student Workbooks, pp. 14-15

Full Lesson Plan

Unplugged Activity:

Learn about synchronization using this unplugged activity.


Synchronization in Scratch:

Synchronization with Dash and Dot

  • Explore synchronization using Dash and Dot robots with these Challenge Cards.


Synchronization in Code Studio



  • synchronization: coordinating actions between different sprites


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.17 Test and debug a program or algorithm to ensure it accomplishes the intended task.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.18 Perform different roles when collaborating with peers during the design, implementation, and review stages of program development.

Explore: Synchronization Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 2

View the Lesson Plan Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 1

Lesson Overview

Students will first use, then modify, a project exploring synchronization in Scratch using the TIPP & SEE model.This will provide students with another opportunity to tinker with this concept in Scratch before starting an open-ended project in the next lesson.


  1. 💫 Review: Use the pages in the Green Workbook to gain a deeper understanding of synchronization. (5-10 min.)

  2. 🚀 Explore: TIPP & SEE Synchronization: Knock Knock Joke Scratch activity (35-50 min.)

  3. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.)

    • How did the Knock-Knock program help you understand synchronization in computer science?

    • How would you explain synchronization to another person?


  • computing devices for all students

  • Green Level Student Workbooks, pp. 14-15

  • TIPP & SEE Synchronization: Knock Knock Joke

Full Lesson Plan


  • synchronization: coordinating actions between different sprites


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

Additional Resources

Plan: Synchronization Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 3

View the Lesson Plan Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 3

Lesson Overview

Students will begin the creation of a Storytelling project in Scratch that will show their understanding of synchronization.  In this first lesson of a three lesson sequence, students will plan out their Storytelling project on paper using a planning guide, then begin building their project using Scratch.



  1. ⭐️ Introduce: Storytelling Projects in Scratch (5 min.)

  2. 💥 Mini-Lesson: Using Pair Programming to collaboratively work on a project (5 min.)

  3. 📝 Plan: Storytelling project on paper in pairs (15-20 min.)

  4. 🚧 Build: Storytelling project in Scratch in pairs (15-25 min.)

  5. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.)

    • How did the planning guide help you start your project in Scratch?

    • What are you excited to add to your Storytelling project next class?


  • computing devices for all students

  • Storytelling Planning Guide, printed

  • Green Level Student Workbooks, p. 17

  • Storytelling Scratch studio (teacher-created)

Full Lesson Plan

Scratch Project Resources


  • event: an action that causes something to happen
  • loop: repeat a sequence of instructions
  • parallelism: sets of instructions that run at the same time
  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • script: a set of Scratch blocks connected together to form a sequence
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order
  • synchronization: coordinating actions between different sprites


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

Additional Resources

Build: Synchronization Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 4

View the Lesson Plan Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 4

Lesson Overview

Students will continue the creation of a Storytelling project in Scratch that will show their understanding of synchronization. In this second lesson of a three lesson sequence, students will continue building their project using Scratch, then pause to provide feedback in small groups on each other's Storytelling projects, using that feedback to revise and finalize their work.



  1. 💫 Review: Using synchronization to create a Storytelling project in Scratch (5 min.)

  2. 💥 Mini-Lesson: Synchronization in Scratch: switching between 2 sprites to synchronize "say" and "wait" blocks (5 min.)

  3. 🚧 Build: Storytelling project in Scratch in pairs (30-45 min.)

  4. 📬 Peer Feedback: Providing positive and constructive feedback on 2 peer projects (15 min.)

  5. 📓 Reflect: (5 min.)

    • What did you get stuck on while working on your project? How did you persevere?

    • What did you learn from your classmates' projects feedback?

    • What did you discover from looking at other projects?


  • computing devices for all students

  • Green Level Student Workbooks, p. 17

  • Peer Feedback organizer, printed

  • Storytelling Scratch studio (teacher-created)

Full Lesson Plan

Scratch Project Resources


  • event: an action that causes something to happen
  • loop: repeat a sequence of instructions
  • parallelism: sets of instructions that run at the same time
  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • script: a set of Scratch blocks connected together to form a sequence
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order
  • synchronization: coordinating actions between different sprites


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.15 Use an iterative process to plan and develop a program by considering the perspectives and preferences of others.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.17 Test and debug a program or algorithm to ensure it accomplishes the intended task.

Additional Resources

Showcase: Synchronization Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 5

View the Lesson Plan Green Level Unit 4, Lesson 5

Lesson Overview

Students will complete the creation of a Storytelling project in Scratch that will show their understanding of synchronization. In this final lesson of a three lesson sequence, students will finish building their project using Scratch, participate in a showcase to share their project and view their classmates' projects, and use a rubric to reflect on their work.


  1. 💫 Review: Show a few student works-in-progress to review the project scope (5 min.)

  2. 💥 Mini-Lesson: Synchronization in Scratch: synchronization misconceptions (5 min.)

  3. 🚧 Build: Storytelling project in Scratch in pairs (30 min.)

  4. 🖼 Showcase: Use the 2 Stars and a Wish framework to support students providing feedback on others' projects (10-15 min.)

  5. Self-Assessment/Reflect: Use the student rubric to promote self-assessment and reflection on the Storytelling project (5-10 min.)


  • computing devices for all students

  • Green Level Student Workbooks, p. 17

  • student rubrics, printed

  • project reflection guide, printed (optional)

  • Storytelling Scratch studio (teacher-created)

Full Lesson Plan


  • event: an action that causes something to happen
  • loop: repeat a sequence of instructions
  • parallelism: sets of instructions that run at the same time
  • program: a set of instructions written in a language that a computer understands
  • script: a set of Scratch blocks connected together to form a sequence
  • sequence: a set of instructions that follow one another in order
  • synchronization: coordinating actions between different sprites


  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.12 Create programs that include events, loops, and conditionals.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.13 Decompose problems into smaller, manageable tasks which may themselves be decomposed.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.15 Use an iterative process to plan and develop a program by considering the perspectives and preferences of others.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.17 Test and debug a program or algorithm to ensure it accomplishes the intended task.

  • CA CSS 3-5.AP.19 Describe choices made during program development using code comments, presentations, and demonstrations.

Additional Resources


This page was last updated on September 21, 2023