Fifth - Math

Priority Standards Link to this section

What students will know, what students will do, and what thinking skills students will develop to apply and transfer mathematical understandings that endure within the discipline, leverage deeper understandings, and/or support readiness for success at the next grade level.

In Fifth grade focus on these critical areas:

Instruction: Signature Elements Link to this section

Below are signature elements of SFUSD Math instruction that students should experience regularly throughout Fifth Grade as they develop as mathematicians.


Below are items you should have to support your students' Math instruction. If you are missing anything from the list, please first contact your site administrator or designated support. If they are unable to resolve the issue promptly, please contact your site’s liaison from the C&I Math Department.

SFUSD Math Student Classwork and Homework booklets are centrally printed and provided by the SFUSD Math Department; the booklets are printed in English, Spanish, and Chinese. Here are PDFs for 5th Grade Student Pages (5th) and 4th/5th Combination Grade Student Pages (Grades 4-5).

Manipulatives have been provided to each site and should remain with the classroom.  Here is a linked list of manipulatives for each grade Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 5 


Unit Design

SFUSD units are designed around four tasks. These tasks offer all students opportunities to engage in meaningful and rigorous mathematics that allow for the development of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. They give information about how students are learning the core concepts and skills of the unit.

All tasks are used for formative assessment—gathering information about what students know and are able to do—but they are not tests. The Entry, Apprentice, and Expert Tasks allow for student collaboration and individual accountability without being graded based on an expectation of mastery. The Milestone Task can be used as an individual assessment for grading students.

  1. Entry Task: What do you already know?
  2. Apprentice Task: What sense are you making of what you are learning?
  3. Expert Task: How can you apply what you have learned so far to a new situation?
  4. Milestone Task: Did you learn what was expected of you from this unit?



  Unit Description   Orientation

Unit 5.0: Introduction


Slide Deck English/Spanish

The first week of school is focused on setting up the classroom culture for the year and developing routines that support the development of the Standards for Mathematical Practice. You will get to know your students, and students will get to know themselves as math learners.

Unit 5.0 Orientation

Unit 5.1: Whole Number Multiplication and Division


Slide Deck English/Spanish

The inverse properties of multiplication and division can be associated with different situations. Understanding of these operations, together with place value, can be used to solve real-world problems.  Unit 5.1 Orientation

Unit 5.2: Decimal Number System


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Decimal place value is an extension of whole number place value, where each place value to the left of another is ten times greater than the one to the right, and each value to the right is 1/10 of the place to its left.  Unit 5.2 Orientation

Unit 5.3: Addition and Subtraction of Decimals and Fractions


Slide Deck English/Spanish

The effects of the operations of addition and subtraction with decimals and fractions are the same as those with whole numbers.  Unit 5.3 Orientation

Unit 5.4: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Multiplication and division of two numbers will produce the same digits, regardless of the position of the decimal point. The patterns for the placement of the decimal point and the number of zeros when multiplying or dividing decimals by whole numbers, including powers of 10, can be understood through reasoning about place value. Unit 5.4 Orientation

Unit 5.5: Multiplying and Dividing Decimals by Decimals


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Multiplication or division of two numbers will produce the same digits, regardless of the position of the decimal points. When you multiply a number by a factor less than 1, the product will be smaller than the original number. When you divide a number by a divisor less than 1, the quotient will be larger than the original number. Unit 5.5 Orientation

Unit 5.6: Multiplying Fractions


Slide Deck English/Spanish

The same ideas that apply to multiplying whole numbers and decimals also apply to multiplying fractions. When you multiply a number by a factor greater than 1, the product will be larger than the original number. Whenever you multiply a number by a factor less than 1, the product will be smaller than the original number. Unit 5.6 Orientation

Unit 5.7: Dividing Fractions


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Understanding of division of whole numbers can be extended to understand division of unit fractions by whole numbers. and whole numbers by unit fractions. A fraction describes division. Unit 5.7 Orientation

Unit 5.8: Units and Volume


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Some attributes of objects are measurable and can be quantified using unit amounts. Volume refers to the space taken up by an object itself and can be quantified using three-dimensional units. Measurement units can be decomposed into smaller units and composed into larger units and used interchangeably. Unit 5.8 Orientation

Unit 5.9: Number Patterns and the Coordinate Plane


Slide Deck English/Spanish

There are relationships among numerical patterns, the rules that generate them, and their graphical representations. Unit 5.9 Orientation

Unit 5.10: Classifying 2-D Figures


Slide Deck English/Spanish

Two-dimensional objects with or without curved surfaces can be classified in a hierarchy based on their attributes. Attributes belonging to one category also belong to all subcategories of that category. Unit 5.10 Orientation


Lesson Structure and Core Math


The launch of a lesson or task is a brief hook that might relate to previous learning, establish an inquiry question, or connect to real-world situations or interests. It will also support students to understand what is being asked of them, which may include guidance on the use of materials such as manipulatives. 

Key Questions

How can you connect to students' interests/lives (hook)?
How will you make sure all students have access and rigor?


During the explore part of a lesson or task, students carry the cognitive load. They are experimenting together with number and shape to develop, deepen, or secure their mathematical understandings. They represent their thinking with numbers, pictures, words, and visual representations such as ten frames or number lines. They are talking throughout this part of the lesson, and building on each other’s ideas and questions. The explore often includes a math game.

Key Questions

What are students doing? What work do you want to highlight?

What does their work show about what they understand?

What language are the students using to describe their work?


During the summarize part of a lesson or task, the teacher facilitates a conversation where students share what they have learned related to the core math. They notice and name similarities, differences, or connections across several different pieces of math work. A summary often, but not always, includes routines for consolidation of learning, such as a gallery walk or individual reflection in a notebook.

Key Questions

How will you sequence the work to elicit peer-to-peer academic discourse? 

What questions or prompts might you use? 

How will you connect different pieces of work to each other?

How will you connect the work to the core math?


Planning Guide

5th Grade Planning Calendar
4th/5th Grade Planning Calendar

These calendars are intended as instructional guides to help with year-long planning. There is no expectation that you teach a particular lesson on a particular day. Each unit is set within a “window” of time that gives you some flexibility.

Reflection Questions Link to this section

  1. How are students' developmental needs, communities, and experiences being reflected and honored, or how could they be?
  2. What opportunities do you see for developing equitable access & demand, inquiry, collaboration, and assessment for learning?
  3. What are the implications for your own practice? What strengths can you build upon? What will you do first?

Want More?


More Resources

  • The SFUSD Math Core Curriculum Fifth-Grade Overview includes the priority standards, the scope and sequence of units and standards, the unit design, class norms, key instructional strategies, and icons used throughout the curriculum to support planning.


Contact the Math Team:

This page was last updated on May 18, 2023