ExCEL's August Institute - 2024

ExCEL 2024 August Institute

ExCEL's August Institute 2024 will be held on two days:

  • Monday, August 5th:  In Person at Ft. Mason Center (all day)

  • Friday, August 9th:   Virtual / on Zoom (all day)

All Site Coordinators and Program Managers are expected to attend both days; Directors and staff in other leadership roles also are welcome to attend.

Please submit your RSVP by Friday, July 19th!  

Breakfast, lunch, healthy snacks & parking will be provided for the in-person meeting at Ft. Mason.  Be sure to RSVP on time, to help us provide welcoming spaces and activities that meet everyone's needs. 

The overall objectives for both days are to:

  • Build community across the ExCEL team & community organizations
  • Celebrate how our collective work supports positive outcomes for students, aligned with SFUSD goals & priorities
  • Facilitate hands-on learning aligned to the Quality Action Plan & ExCEL systems
  • Collectively prepare for what's new and changing for SY24-25.

Monday, August 5th - Day 1 Focus:   Intentional Program Design

  • Morning:   Community connectors, updates about SFUSD priorities, ExCEL's focus for SY24-25, and sharing each CBO's Program Profiles with SY23-24 data.
  • Afternoon:  Breakout sessions aligned to the Quality Action Plan.  Participants can attend two of the following sessions offered during the breakouts:

Teaching & Learning

  • Hands-On STEAM in the Living Learnscape & PD Series Sign-Up
  • TK Focus:  Practices & Resources

Safe & Supportive Culture & Climate

  • Relationships with School Staff: Coordinated Care Teams & Crisis Response
  • The ABCs of Classroom Culture

Healthy Active Youth

  • Let’s Move!  Teamwork, Leadership, SEL Skills & Fun - with Ultimate Impact
  • Putting Policy into Practice:  SFUSD Wellness Tips

Intentional Program Design

  • Diving into Your Data:  Strategies & Tools
  • Networking 101:  Connect with other ExCEL CBOs

New Staff: Logins & Access

  • EQAP/EMS Login & Access Support 
  • SFUSD Email Accounts



Friday, August 9th - Day 2 Focus:  Strong Systems & Structures 

  • Morning:  ExCEL Systems & Procedures:  What's new for SY24-25
    • Breakout sessions and technical assistance (see below)
  • Break for lunch
  • Afternoon:  Required training on Mandated Reporting (facilitated by Safe & Sound)

Participants can attend two of the following sessions offered during the morning breakouts:

What's New:  Quality Action Plan, Program Manual & Resources

  • NEW Expenditure Approvals Process
  • NEW Tools & Resources

ExCEL Attendance Protocols

  • NEW Early Release Policy
  • Updated Tools & Resources
  • CDE Grant reductions

Navigating the EQAP

  • Your EQAP Dashboard
  • Aligned to QAP Goals & Deliverables
  • Different Ways to See Your Data

Navigating EMS

  • Attendance Data
  • Site Contacts 
  • Other Program Data & Reports

This page was last updated on July 3, 2024