School Reopening Readiness Overview for Phase 2B Link to this section
School Reopening Readiness Overview for Phase 2B shares the work happening to prepare schools for a safe reopening for prioritized populations of students. SFUSD is in the midst of identifying prioritized populations for Phase 2B and will share information with families and the community as this becomes available.
Below are the major areas of work SFUSD is undertaking to prepare for a phased-in approach to in-person learning. This includes modifying learning plans and bell schedules, developing and deploying appropriate protocols and training for staff, providing sufficient cleaning and PPE supplies for all sites, and instituting prevention measures and changes to facilities. We will update this information bi-weekly to share the current status of each area.
School Reopening Dashboard Link to this section
Area of Work | Status |
Have prioritized populations of students been identified for reopening? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Are general safety measures in place, including a staff testing plan? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Have all staff been trained? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Have families been informed of health and safety protocols? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Are COVID-19 prevention measures in place? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Are school facilities prepared for social distancing and hygiene? | Started (>0%-25%) |
Is there 3-month supply of PPE and cleaning supplies stocked? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Are instructional learning plans in place? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Are labor agreements in place? | Work is in progress (>25%-75%) |
Dashboard Legend Link to this section
To do (0%)
Started (>0%-25%)
Work is in progress (>25%-75%)
Almost done (>75%-99%)
Completed (100%)
Reopening Readiness Dashboard (Phase 2B)
This page was last updated on November 10, 2020