COVID-19 Announcements and Updates

Stay in Touch With SFUSD! Link to this section

There are many ways to stay in touch with SFUSD
  1. Stay connected through ParentVUE.
    Learn how to activate your ParentVUE account.
  2. Update your email address and phone number in ParentVUE.
    Families who update their email address in ParentVUE will receive the weekly Family Announcement Bulletin and the monthly family newsletter. You can also sign up online to receive these.
  3. Bookmark and find your child's school website by visiting
  4. Follow us on social media. 
    We’re on Facebook(link is external)Twitter(link is external)Instagram(link is external), and YouTube(link is external) at @SFUnified. Follow us on Facebook en español at @SFUSDenEspanol(link is external).

This page was last updated on June 14, 2022