Credentials for Teaching English Learners

Do I need an English Learner Authorization? Link to this section

California statute requires that every teacher who provides instructional services to an English Learner be authorized to provide specialized instruction for those learners, per Education Code §44253.1 and board policy. Different authorizations are available for distinct purposes and credential holders.

Authorization Types Link to this section

English Learner Authorization Link to this section

Authorizes the holder to provide instruction for English language Development (ELD) and specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE).

If you applied for an emergency teaching credential OR earned your Preliminary or Clear teaching credential through a California credential program, your credential should already have a restricted English Learner Authorization attached. However, if you are teaching departmentalized English Language Development (ELD) outside the subject area of your credential or if you transferred your credential from another state, you will need to apply for an emergency permit to authorize you to teach English Learners. 

CTC leaflet on English Learner Authorization/Certificate(link is external)

I have a Preliminary or Clear teaching credential.(link is external)

Bilingual Authorization

Authorizes the holder to provide instruction for English language development (ELD) and specially designed academic instruction delivered in English (SDAIE) as well as instruction for primarily language development and content instruction delivered in the primary language.

If you are in a bilingual position and do not yet qualify for a Bilingual Authorization, you will need to apply for an emergency credential to authorize you to teach in your bilingual position. The type of emergency credential will depend on whether or not you already have passed CSET Bilingual Subtest III or if you have a Preliminary or Clear teaching credential.

CTC leaflet on Bilingual Authorizations(link is external)

I do not already have a Preliminary or Clear teaching credential.(link is external)

This page was last updated on July 6, 2022