PEEF Community Advisory Council

PEEF Community Advisory Council (PEEF CAC)

PEEF logoIn May 2011, the Board of Education adopted Resolution 115-10A3 which clarifies the support, responsibilities, and role of the Public Education Enrichment Fund Community Advisory Committee (PEEF CAC). In June 2019, the Board of Education adopted Resolution 194-9A1, thereby redefining the structure, function, and duties of the advisory committee.

The PEEF CAC serves as a conduit for informing as well as receiving input from SFUSD stakeholders (students, parents, staff, and other community members) in order to assist the Superintendent and the Board of Education to effectively allocate PEEF funding. 


  • Reviews PEEF program information and data
  • Advises the Board of Education and Superintendent
  • Contributes to PEEF communication and awareness

The PEEF CAC’s insights, feedback, and recommendations are prepared by the committee members for presentation to the Board and the Superintendent. The PEEF CAC’s recommendations are aligned to and support one or more of the District Goals in accordance with SFUSD’s Strategic Plan.

Upcoming Events

The Next PEEF CAC Meeting 

Date: September 11, 2024

Time: 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Format: In-Person Meeting

This PEEF CAC Monthly Meeting 

The meeting will be held at 727 Golden Gate Ave., S.F. 94102, in Rooms 13 (iLab) and 18.

(Please enter the building through the parking lot on McAllister Street) 

Roster for 2024-2025

Monthly CAC Meetings

Agendas & Minutes for 2024-2025
August 14, 2024AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
September 11, 2024AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
October 9, 2024AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
November 13, 2024AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
December 11, 2024AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
January 8, 2025 Agenda MinutesMaterials for the Public
February 12, 2025AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
March 12, 2025AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
April 9, 2025AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
May 14, 2025AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public
June 11, 2025AgendaMinutesMaterials for the Public


This page was last updated on August 28, 2024