Attendance Policy & Permit To Leave (PTL)

Attendance Protocol

What Parents/Caregivers MUST Do When A Student Will Be Absent

When a student is absent the parent/caregiver MUST:

  • Write a note on 8.5 in. x 11 in. standard letter sized  paper (it can be written in the student's home language) to the Attendance Office Clerk and send it with the student when they return to school.

The note MUST include:

  • FULL NAME (First and Last name)
  • Date of Absence(s)   
  • Reason of Absence(s)
  • Advisory/Homeroom Number
  • Parent/Guardian Signature  
  • Parent's phone number  

If this information isn't provided, clearing your child's absence will take much longer than need be.

Since we no longer utilize the re-admit system, the paper exchange stops there. IF you and your student still haven't seen a change to their record in 2 days, have your student come to Room 121 and check in with me, or call (415) 759-2720 to speak to me directly.

If the line is busy please call (415) 488-6096 and leave a message. (This is a Google Voicemail, for Voicemail's ONLY.)

As a reminder, Excused absences means your child is allowed to make up work (homework, quizzes, tests). Unexcused absence means teachers are not required to allow the student to make work up.

A common reason students would be considered unexcused is vacation. Please let the School/Attendance office know weeks before if your family has a vacation or extended absences planned ASAP so that we can take certain steps to get the student caught up with school work. However, Vacation aren't excused.

Thank you and for more information feel free to reach me at:


Direct office number: (415) 759-2720

VoiceMail: (415) 488-6096

-Ms. Stephanie Rivers, ALHS Attendance Clerk

This page was last updated on January 25, 2022