Bids/RFP Process Link to this section
Formal Bids
Formal bids are for construction projects greater than current CUPCCAA limits. Process:
- Advertising of Invitation for Bid at Daily Pacific Builder and District website for Formal Bids, and on the District website for Informal (under $75,000) and CUPCCAA bids.
- Release of bid packages through ARC:
- ARC Northern California - Bid Services
- San Francisco, California 94107
- Tel: 415 537 2235
- Fax: 415 348 0684
- Email:
- Mandatory pre-bid conference and walk
- Submission of all forms required by the Invitation for Bid and Instructions to Bidders prior to the bid opening deadline
Requirements for contracting with the San Francisco Unified School District (refer to the contract documents for a comprehensive list of requirements):
- Correct and valid contractors licenses for prime contractor and subcontractors
- Correct and complete submission of Identification and Listing of Prime Contractor and Subcontractors form
- Payment insurance certificates
- Payment of prevailing wage rates
Work shall not commence until a fully executed contract is in place.
Insurance Certificates
Original certificates of insurance with California insurance companies are mandatory (refer to the contract documents for a comprehensive list of insurance requirements):
- General liability limits should be per the requirements of the contract documents.
- Automobile liability limits should be $1,000,000 (ISO from CA 0001, Code 1).
- Professional liability limits should be $ 1,000,000 (for professional services only) (N/A for construction contracts)
- Worker's compensation coverage limits should be $1,000,000 (as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Coverage)
- Builder's risk to name the district as loss payee at 100% of contract amount for all construction contracts greater than $5 million.
- Name San Francisco Unified School District, its board, officers, and employees as "additional insured" on the General Liability and Automobile Liability by Endorsement on separate form; provide with certificate specifying the San Francisco Unified School District is noticed by the company as an "additional insured" entitled to a 30-day written, mailed notice
- Email a .PDF of the original certificate to San Francisco Unified School District, Contracts Office, 135 Van Ness Avenue, Room 208, San Francisco, CA 94102
- Fax certificate of Insurance should to (415) 522-6711 and mail the original certificate to San Francisco Unified School District, Contracts Office, 135 Van Ness Avenue, Room 118, San Francisco, CA 94102
- Identify the specific project and contract number in the insurance certificate description
Wage Rates
All contractors must (at a minimum):
- Pay the prevailing wage (see wage rates here)
- Submit certified payroll records (see Public Works Payroll Reporting form here.)
- Keep documentation of fringe benefit payments
- Maintain a daily sign in sheet with the names and trades of employees
- Post the prevailing wage rates at the job site
- Employ registered apprentices
- Visit the Labor Compliance Program Portal for more information
Informal Bids
Informal bids are for projects that cost less than $60,000.
Process: Post the project to the District website:
The contracts office maintains a database of contractors to be contacted for informal bid opportunities. To be included, please submit this information:
- Contractor's name and address
- Contractor's telephone number
- Contractor's facsimile number
- Type of work contractor performs
- Class of contractor's license(s)
- Contractor's license number(s)
Notice: The Final Draft Community Profile for the New Bessie Carmichael School is available for public review in the Contracts Office.
Prequalification Process
Prequalification for CUPCCAA and Formal Bids over $1,000,000 instructions are posted to the Prequalified General Contractors and Subcontractors page.
Request for Proposals (RFP)
Request for Proposals are for services by professionals, such as architects and engineers. Process:
- Advertising
- Release of RFP packages at 135 Van Ness Avenue
- Mandatory pre-bid conference and walk
- Submission of all forms required by the Invitation for RFP prior to the bid opening deadline
Requirements for contracting with the San Francisco school district:
- Valid licensing
- Original insurance certificates (see above)
This page was last updated on February 4, 2025