Prequalified General Contractors and Subcontractors

Prequalified General Contractors and Subcontractors Link to this section

SFUSD uses PQBids to prequalify general contractors and subcontractors for Lease-Leaseback Projects, State Funded Projects (AB 2031), Non State Funded project with an estimated value over $1,000,000 (using AB 2031 prequalification), and CUPCCAA Program requirements Link to this section

Applications must be received at least ten (10) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening and must be approved at least five (5) business days prior to the scheduled bid opening in order to qualify for these projects. Approval is valid for one (1) year from the date of notice of qualification, except as noted in prequalification documents.

State Funded : Prequalification for SFUSD Projects Eligible for State Funding (AB 2031) Link to this section

Prequalified contractors and subcontractors who met the requirements of the District's prequalification package will be eligible to bid on any state-funding eligible construction projects for one year from the prequalification approval date. The prequalification is ongoing all year around and can be accessed via the PQ Bids Prequalification Portal.(link is external)

NON STATE FUNDED: Prequalification of General Contractors for Non State Funded SFUSD Projects for 2024 (AB 2031) Link to this section

Prequalified general contractors who meet the requirements of the District's 2024 prequalification package will be eligible to bid on any non state funded eligible construction projects. This requirement will apply to all projects with an estimated value of over one million dollars.

New prequalification applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis via PQBids. Prequalification will be valid for one year from approval. Approved contractors will receive notice from PQBids at least four weeks prior to the expiration of its prequalification.

CUPCCAA Program: Prequalification of General Contractors for SFUSD's CUPCCAA Program Link to this section

New CUPCCAA applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis via PQBids. CUPCCAA prequalification will be valid for one year from approval. Approved contractors will receive notice from PQBids at least four weeks prior to the expiration of its CUPCCAA prequalification.

SFUSD Project Labor Agreement

Bond funded projects with an estimated value over $1,000,000 are subject to the Project Labor Agreement (PLA).

For further information on prequalification, call 415-241-6152 ext. 1528 or email Ruth Simon at at sends email).


This page was last updated on December 10, 2024