What is ELAC? Link to this section

The ELAC is the English learner Advisory Committee. We are a group of family and community members who want to take an active role in advocating for our English Learning (EL) students. We meet 4 times a year. The meeting dates and locations are to determined by the group. Food, child care and translations are provided at every meeting. We meet to discuss current school events and improving school supports for our EL students, and how to best use our budget to improve the services.This is a great opportunity to provide feedback to our school. Please reach out to Jesus Sicairos (Sicairosj@sfusd.edu(link sends email)) if you are interested in taking a leadership role in supporting our EL students at Wallenberg High School.

2021 - 2022 Minutes
Link to this section

Sept. 30

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English Learners Advisory Council

Meeting #2

● Introductions:
○ What type of weather best describes how you are feeling right now?

● ELPAC Test (The English Language Proficiency Assessment for California):
○ Reviewing the ELPAC
○ What is the ELPAC, and what it is used for
○ Purpose of ELPAC

● Afterschool Program as a Support
○ What the ASP currently offers
Amadeus (Multicultural Identity Based Program Leader)
Alicia (Student Support Advocate/Case Manager)
James (Math Tutor)
MONDAY: 4:00-5:30 PM
WEDNESDAY: 1:35-3:00PM
THURSDAY: 4:00-5:30 PM

■ Parent Input and Concerns:
○ We will be discussing school support systems/ services in regards to the larger
population of English Learning Students at Wallenberg

● Schedule the next ELAC meeting

● Closing:
○ What is one thing you are looking forward to this holiday season?

Sept. 14

ESPAÑOL(link is external)

中文(link is external)

عربي(link is external)

● Introductions: (Jesus Sicairos (JS)) 

○ Name and name of student attending Wallenberg 

○ What is one thing you look forward to now that we are back in person? 

● What is the Purpose of the English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC) (JS & Chris Rosenberg (CR))

○ What is the ELAC 

○ What will we be doing 

○ What is the purpose/ goal 

○ Where will this information go 

● Budget: (CR) 

○ What the budget is and where does it come from; 

○ What we can use this for: roughly $33,000 for 21-22, used for 1 section of ELD, para educator support and instructional materials. 

● Parent Input and Concerns: (JS&CR) 

○ We will be discussing school support systems/ services 

● Schedule the next ELAC meeting (ALL) 

○ Tuesday, November 16th @4pm

This page was last updated on December 14, 2021