Tech Info

What does the school have? Link to this section

All classrooms have the following items:

  1. Desktop Computer
  2. Projector
  3. Document Camera
  4. Printer

The school has 5 chromebook carts and a HP and MacBook Pro cart. Wallenberg also has a classroom with enough computers to teach computer science and digital art. The library also has 8 computers, a chromebook cart, and an e-reader cart..

Our auditorium has the ability to also project to the entire audience with proper audio setup as well.

Device Independence Link to this section

Why should I start thinking of being "device independent"?

  1. You don't have to worry about having your computer with you.
  2. It means you data is more readily available to you.
  3. It means you do not have to worry about losing/breaking devices and then losing your data.

Since we are a Google campus for Educators, at least for work data, you can do the following to help you move towards being device independent.

1) Make sure you save all your data in your GDrive.

If you are already working in Google Workspace in browser to do all your work on your computer than you are a big step in that direction. If you still use Microsoft Office, then you should consider downloading Drive File Stream to your computer so you can interact with your GDrive like you would any other folder on your computer.

Mac Download(link is external)

Windows Download(link is external)

Once all your work data is in your GDrive.Then you move on to the next steps to device independence.

2) You can now use any computer to access your data as it is now on your GDrive. You can use any computer as long as it has internet access. The next step is to download the Google apps onto your mobile phone or tablet. Google makes all their apps available to both iOS and Android devices. Do a search for the following names in your respective app store:

  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Drive
  • Google Slide
  • GMail
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Classroom

With those apps, you can now view and edit all of your documents from any of your devices.


If you have any questions please get in touch with me and I'll help you figure it all out.


This page was last updated on August 17, 2021