Student Assignment Speaker Series

Stanford University Graduate School of Education and UC Berkeley Graduate School of Education, in partnership with San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) and Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), are hosting an online speaker series about issues related to Student Assignment Policy in San Francisco. SFUSD is currently revisiting its policy for how elementary school students are assigned to public schools, and the San Francisco Board of Education will vote on a new policy on December 8, 2020. Also, OUSD has launched an initial exploration of its student assignment system’s functioning this spring.

In an effort to infuse policy discussions with additional evidence, this speaker series will examine research related to the history of school desegregation efforts, school integration, school choice, and SFUSD’s student assignment policy options. While these sessions focus on SFUSD, separate sessions looking at OUSD’s policy options will be scheduled in the future. The series will culminate with a panel discussion where researchers provide feedback on SFUSD's proposed changes to student assignment, prior to a Board of Education vote.

These events are free and open to the public. Below are the topics and speakers. You can click on this link to sign up(link is external) for one, two or all of the presentations. All presentations will take place online over Zoom and you will be sent Zoom links via email closer to the event.

Friday, Sept. 11, 2020 - 3:00-4:00PM: The History of Desegregation in San Francisco Schools

In the first presentation, the community will hear from Rand Quinn about the history of school desegregation and student assignment policies in San Francisco. A panel of SFUSD community members will provide commentary and pose questions to spark discussion. Quinn is associate professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Class Action: Desegregation and Diversity in San Francisco Schools.


  • Rand Quinn (University of Pennsylvania)
  • Michelle Jacques-Menegaz (Coordinator for the Parent Advisory Council to the Board of Education, San Francisco Unified School District)
  • Rachel Norton (Commissioner, Board of Education, San Francisco Unified School District)
  • Danielle Uttley (Family Education Integration Specialist, English Learner Programs and Services/ DELAC Liaison, San Francisco Unified School District)


  • Laura Wentworth (Stanford-SFUSD Partnership)


Thursday, Sept. 17, 2020 - 4:00-5:00PM: Discussion of Research about School Integration

The second event in the series will bring three scholars together, each of whom has worked extensively on the causes and the effects of inequality in education. The presentations and the discussion will highlight efforts at and consequences of integration and desegregation. Prudence L. Carter is the E.H. and Mary E. Pardee Professor and Dean of the Graduate School of Education at the University of California, Berkeley. Rucker Johnson is the Chancellor’s Professor of Public Policy in the Goldman School of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, and faculty research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. sean f. reardon is the endowed Professor of Poverty and Inequality in Education and is Professor (by courtesy) of Sociology at Stanford University. A panel of SFUSD/OUSD community members will provide commentary and pose questions to spark discussion.


  • Prudence L. Carter (UC Berkeley)
  • Rucker Johnson (UC Berkeley)
  • sean f. reardon (Stanford)
  • Mark Sanchez (President, Board of Education, San Francisco Unified School District)
  • Gary Yee (Director, District 4, Board of Education, Oakland Unified School District)


  • Moonhawk Kim (OUSD-UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership)


Monday, Sept. 21, 2020 - 3:00-4:00PM: Discussion of Research about School Choice

The third session will turn the focus to school choice. Three scholars will address various aspects of systems that enable families to choose the schools their children attend and what ramifications such systems can have on education. Damon Clark is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of California, Irvine. Huriya Jabbar is an Associate Professor in the Educational Policy and Planning program in the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy at the University of Texas at Austin. Paco Martorell is an Associate Professor in the School of Education and Faculty Co-Director of the California Education Lab at the University of California, Davis. A panel of SFUSD/OUSD community members will provide commentary and pose questions to spark discussion.


  • Damon Clark (UC Irvine) 
  • Huriya Jabbar (University of Texas, Austin)
  • Paco Martorell (UC Davis)
  • Karla Bobadilla (Paraeducator, Parent, and Membership Chair of SFUSD's Community Advisory Committee for Special Education)
  • Valerie Hoshino (Principal, Moscone Elementary and Las Americas EED PK, SFUSD)


  • Moonhawk Kim (OUSD-UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership)


Tuesday, Nov. 17, 2020 - 2:00-3:00PM: Considerations for Successful Policy Implementation

The fourth and final panel in this series will summarize the proposed policy changes and discuss what it will take for this policy to be implemented successfully and achieve its goals. Francisco Martinez is the Admissions Manager for Berkeley Unified School District. Irene Lo is an Assistant Professor in the department of Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University. Itai Ashlagi is an Associate Professor in the department of Management Science & Engineering at Stanford University. Mary Filardo is the founder and Executive Director of the 21st Century School Fund, which partnered with the District of Columbia Public Schools on a student assignment reform process in 2014. Tomás Monarrez is a research associate in the Center on Education Data and Policy at the Urban Institute.


  • Francisco Martinez (Berkeley Unified School District)
  • Irene Lo (Stanford University)
  • Itai Ashlagi (Stanford University)
  • Mary Filardo (21st Century School Fund)
  • Tomás Monarrez (Urban Institute)
  • Orla O’Keeffe (Chief of Policy and Operations, SFUSD)
  • Henry O'Connell (Student Assignment Project Manager, SFUSD)


  • Moonhawk Kim, OUSD-UC Berkeley Research-Practice Partnership


This page was last updated on November 30, 2020