Student Nutrition Services FAQs

Student Nutrition Services at a Glance

See below for the most asked questions for SNS. If there's something that's not on here that you think would be helpful, please reach out at

Where can I find the menu for my student's school?

Currently, all menus can be found at 

On this page, we have three methods to find your menu:

  • Download a PDF (For all sites)
  • View on SchoolCafe (For Refresh Sites Only, due to a recent software change for Revolution Foods.)
  • Printed monthly menus available in cafeterias and/or school offices for you or your child’s reference.

Are meals for my student free?

Yes! Thanks to California Meals for All, Student Nutrition Services offers Breakfast and Lunch free of charge for all SFUSD students. California Meals for All covers the remaining cost for a meal after federal National School Lunch Program reimbursements, thus allowing meals to be free for students. 

Supper is also free for all SFUSD students and is available at select schools. 

What meals does my student's school offer?

All SFUSD schools provide Breakfast and Lunch every school day. Breakfast is typically served 20-30 minutes before school begins, while the lunch schedule can be found on your school's bell schedule. 

Supper is also available to all SFUSD students and is available at select schools. 

My student has a food allergy, can they be accommodated so they still participate in school meals?

Yes, Student Nutrition Services makes accommodations for students with medically verified food allergies. The process for requesting Special Meal Accommodation varies for EED Standalones and TK-13 sites. For most requests, a signature from a licensed medical professional is required. 

Please complete the form below and submit via email to Please allow up to 10 business days for the implementation of special diet orders.

Medical Statement to Request Special Meals and/or Accommodations Form
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View the detailed Special Meal Accommodations Process for a more detailed explanation.

Where can I find my student's eligibility letter?

You can find your eligibility letter in SchoolCafePlease see our Quick Guide for access instructions. 

Does SNS offer bagged lunches for field trips?

Yes! Upon request from your student’s teacher, SNS can provide bagged lunches for field trips. Please ask your student’s teacher about this if you are unsure. 

This page was last updated on August 20, 2024