10/1/2021 Principal's Letter

Announcement Details

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Announcement Message

Dear Lafayette Families,

We hope you had a great week.  

We had wonderful weather over the last week, but Monday started a bit wet from heavy fog.  While heavy fog will not affect our usual arrival and dismissal procedures, we are hopefully approaching rainy weather.

It is with this in mind that we want to prepare you for our inclement weather arrival and dismissal procedures so that you can be prepared when we need to implement them.  In the event of rain, we will still be operating our Stop, Drop and Go student dropoff program.  Please utilize this program on rainy days if you are not already doing so.  If you are walking with your children, please use the same entrance as the Stop, Drop and Go program or enter through the gates on 36th Ave, and walk your children to the ramp behind the play structure.  They will then be led into the auditorium and find their respective class line inside.  The class lines will be clearly marked with their teacher’s name and room number.  If students arrive at 7:50 or after, they will go directly to their classrooms.  Please remember not to enter the building, we will make sure they find their way.

During rainy day dismissal, we are asking you to prepare your children for wet and cool weather.  They will wait to be picked up on the yard and will need rain gear.  Since we will still be delivering your children to you on the yard, we will open the gates up early so that our children can be released directly to you quickly.  If you need help acquiring appropriate rain gear, please let your classroom teacher know so we can help you in this regard.

All students attending after school programming will be dismissed directly to these programs including enrichment programs.  Students riding buses will wait in the lobby outside of the auditorium.

While all school meals are free this year, we still need all families to fill out the Multipurpose Family Income Form.  This form helps our school receive essential funding.  We have a very small percentage of families that have completed this form.  Please follow this link for more information as well as links to complete the form.  Multipurpose Family Income Form Link.

It is important to make sure all of your emergency contact information is up to date on ParentVUE.  Some of the numbers we try calling when we need to reach you do not work.  It is also important to have other emergency contact numbers listed in case we cannot reach parents or guardians.  Please log onto ParentVUE to check or complete the emergency cards online.

Please check the lost and found by the flagpole if your child is missing any clothing, water bottles or lunch boxes.  If items aren’t picked up by the end of October, they will be collected and donated, so please check for lost belongings.

Lastly, we have a close relationship with Washington High School and they have a student club called, “Eagles Helping Hands Club”, a student tutoring program.  They have high school students that are available to provide virtual academic support to elementary school students. Please complete this Google Form(link is external) if you are interested in finding out more about this program.   There is a section for you to ask specific questions of the program coordinator.

PTA Announcements(link is external)

Thank you for all you do to support us.

Have a great week!



Lafayette Admin Team


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