Materials Distribution FAQs

Materials Distribution FAQs Link to this section


How does an outside agency go about getting materials distributed to the SFUSD school/department sites? 


  1. Access our online request form(link is external).  For more information refer to our Distributing Fliers and Promotional Materials page. 
  2. Complete the DPDC Request to Distribute Materials form(link is external) (indicate which sites the material should be distributed to)
  3. Bring the Request to Distribute Materials form in with your packaged materials and proof of approval from the Communications Department to:

    SFUSD - Document Publishing and Distribution Center, 555 Franklin Street, Basement Room 2A, San Francisco, CA 94102


Is there a fee for distribution services? 


Yes. There is a handling fee for each package (envelope, bundle, box) being distributed per school/department site.

  • Envelopes/Small Bundles up to 1 lb => $0.50 each
  • Boxes (1 - 2 lbs) => $2.00 each
  • Boxes (2 - 5 lbs) => $5.00 each
  • Boxes (5 - 10 lbs) => $8.00 each
  • Boxes (10 - 20 lbs) => $10.00 each
  • Boxes (20 - 25 lbs) => $15.00 each
  • Boxes (25 - 30 lbs) => $20.00 each


Do you have a list of schools that I can distribute to? 


Please contact us at 415-355-6999 or by emailing us at sends email).


What form of payment does DPDC accept? 


Per SFUSD rules and regulations we are only allowed to accept personal and/or business checks or money order payable to SFUSD-DPDC. We DO NOT accept credit cards and/ or cash payments. 


How should the materials be packaged? 


Materials should be placed in a manila envelope, in bundles with rubber bands, or placed in sealed boxes according to the material count per site so it reaches each location securely. It is at the discretion of each agency which form of packaging they choose. If materials are site-specific (to each student or faculty member) the appropriate amount must be packaged and addressed. An instruction memo should accompany the materials to provide instructions on what & who the materials should be distributed to and what they are for. 

Enrollment and/or staffing figures (student / teacher count) are available by contacting us at 415-355-6999 or by emailing us at sends email)


Do my materials need to be sorted? 


We ask that agencies sort the materials by school level (elementary, middle, high) so that they can be sorted into the mail wallets in a timely manner by the mailroom staff. 

For large packaged materials that will not fit into the school site mail pouches, we request all materials to be sorted by school site. DPDC can provide the route lists to you in advance by contacting us at 415-355-6999 or by emailing us at sends email)


When is the best time to bring in my materials? 


DPDC is open from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm, but the best time to bring in your materials is no later than 12:00 noon (inter-district mail & distribution materials are sorted into the wallets and placed on the routes daily from the hours of 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm) in order to go out the same day.

This page was last updated on August 28, 2024