When to Use At-Home Tests Link to this section
COVID-19 testing is not required. SFDPH recommends use of at-home tests when:
- Returning to schools if exhibiting symptoms
- Returning to school from isolation on or after 5 days, and
- Screening after holidays, even if you are not symptomatic
- If your student gets sick with symptoms (like cough and fever), stay home and use your tests to see if it is COVID-19.
- If your student is exposed to someone with COVID-19, use your tests within 3-5 days after last exposure.
You can also access testing at locations throughout San Francisco, which includes your primary health care provider and community and public testing sites.
For more information about COVID-19 testing, or to find a testing site near you, visit sf.gov/getttested or call SFDPH’s COVID Resource Center at 628-652-2700.
Additional Resources Link to this section
- Steps and instructions (Español | 中文 | عربي | Gagana Sāmoa | Tagalog | Tiếng Việt) for using the at-home kit
This page was last updated on August 29, 2023