DELAC Recommendations for Multilingual Learners

Announcement Details

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Grade Level
Early Education
Elementary School
K-8 School
Middle School
High School
Central Offices
County School

Announcement Message

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) presented five recommendations to support a thriving learning environment for Multilingual Learners and their families. These recommendations include:

  1. Increase college, career, and civic engagement opportunities for Multilingual Learners (MLs).
  2. Create an academic and supportive environment for Multilingual learner students to improve their literacy skills and increase their English proficiency, especially in Spanish DLI and Biliteracy programs.
  3. Improve communication between teachers, principals, and families by providing language access, transparency, and engagement for Multilingual families.
  4. Provide families with resources to support their students’ language and literacy development.
  5. Improve the staff hiring and onboarding process to ensure all classrooms are staffed with high-quality, adequately credentialed teachers.

 Learn more here(link is external) about the specific recommended actions.

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