SFUSD Transitions to 50/50 Dual Language Model in 2025-26

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Announcement Message

Beginning in the 2025-26 school year, San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) will implement its District English Learners Advisory Council (DELAC) recommendations to create an academic and supportive environment for Multilingual learner students to improve their literacy skills and increase their English proficiency, especially in Spanish dual language immersion and Biliteracy programs by transitioning to a 50/50 dual language model. DELAC is and advisory committee comprised of representatives from each school’s English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The role of the DELAC is to advise the San Francisco Unified School District on programs and services for Multilingual learners.

Both the Spanish immersion and biliteracy programs will continue. The only difference is the time allocation. Immersion schools will continue with the same enrollment mix of native Spanish speakers and students that want to learn Spanish. 

In the new allocation model, students will receive 50% of their instruction in Spanish and 50% in English from kindergarten through third grade, allowing them to develop biliteracy skills simultaneously. Some of our existing biliteracy programs have already transitioned to the 50/50 model in the 2024-25 school year. 

This evidence-based model is designed to benefit all students and specifically improve outcomes for native Spanish speaking students. Some schools have already transitioned to the 50/50 model and are seeing significant growth in students’ English proficiency, as measured by the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC). Research also shows that teaching students literacy simultaneously in two languages allows them to gain proficiency concurrently in both English and Spanish. 

The 50/50 model also bolsters integrated English Language Development (ELD), which supports students in accessing all content subjects and building knowledge. This is in service of improving 3rd-grade literacy goals and sets students up for long-term success.

The curriculum will continue to use high-quality, grade-level instructional materials in both languages while maintaining a culturally responsive and inclusive learning environment.

This transition also addresses challenges related to the ongoing teacher shortage, offering greater staffing flexibility while ensuring that all students receive high-quality instruction in both Spanish and English. SFUSD remains committed to providing professional learning opportunities for educators and collaborating with Spanish language teachers to develop instructional guidelines and language allocation schedules. 

We look forward to supporting our students in their journey toward bilingualism and biliteracy, setting them up for long-term academic success. 

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