Media Opportunities for Teachers and Students from KQED

Announcement Details

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Grade Level
Early Education
Elementary School
K-8 School
Middle School
High School
Central Offices
County School

Announcement Message

The student stories featured during KQED's 7th Annual Youth Takeover are now available for viewing on the Youth Takeover Showcase, and all of the television interstitials can be found in this KQED Blog post. Though the week has passed, the impact of their voices continues. 

This is one of many ways KQED works to elevate diverse youth voices and we hope you will consider sharing these free opportunities to work with us next year!

If you are an educator in the SF Bay Area please share and encourage:

  1. Teachers to apply to be a Youth Takeover Teacher for 2024-25
  2. Students to apply to the Youth Advisory Board for 2024-25
  3. Teachers to attend Summer Media Making Day for Educators

If you are an educator anywhere in the world please share and use these resources widely: 

  1. Youth Media Challenge Showcase for publishing student media projects
  2. Youth Media Challenge curriculum for media making projects in any classroom
  3. Media literacy virtual courses and workshops for teachers

Thank you for your support and partnership.

Announcement Links