School Meal Policy on Second Meals and Pre-K Snacks

Announcement Details

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Grade Level
Early Education
Elementary School
K-8 School
Middle School
High School
Central Offices
County School

Announcement Message

The California Meals for All program grants SFUSD’s Student Nutrition Services (SNS) to serve breakfast and lunch for free to all students at all schools.

Each lunch offers an entree containing healthy proteins and grains, as well as fresh fruit and vegetable options, and optional milk.

Each breakfast offers options that includes nutritious grains, fruit, sometimes protein, and optional milk. Students can create complete and filling meals by taking servings of fruits and vegetables.

  • All students can take 1-2 fruits with breakfast. Students can save any fruit they don't eat to snack on later or place them at the share table. 
  • At lunch, middle and high school students can take up to 2 fruits and up to 2 vegetables for extra fuel!
  • Supper is a 3rd complete meal offered at qualifying schools. See a list of participating schools at

What if a student is still hungry?

Under state and federal policy, SNS is only allowed to serve 1 breakfast and 1 lunch per student. There is no program funding to offer multiple meals.

A second meal is only available at the end of the meal period, once all students have had the opportunity to receive their first meal. This is typically the last 10 minutes of the meal period.

If any meals are still available, students who want a second meal can return to the service line and ask for a second meal. However, this meal is not reimbursable through California Meals for All.

What about snacks?

Snacks are only provided to Pre-K students. We encourage students to take their full fruit and veggie servings or utilize the share table for additional nutrients.

Learn more about current meal programs at

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