29th Annual African American Honor Roll & 18th Community Awards Ceremony

Announcement Details

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Grade Level
Elementary School
K-8 School
Middle School
High School
Central Offices
County School

Announcement Message

The San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators presents its 28th Annual African American Honor Roll celebration & 19th Community Awards Ceremony hybrid.

In 2023, all SFUSD students of African American descent in Grades 3-12 who have earned a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) or higher (1st Semester 2022) will be honored for their academic achievement.

When and Where is the Event? 

We will host this year's hybrid event on February 16th, 2023, at 5:30 pm, located at Saint Mary’s Cathedral, 1111 Gough St, San Francisco, CA 94109, with free parking available. The week of the ceremony, registration for the webinar link of the live event will open.

Selection Process 

Elementary principals/teachers select six (6 students of African American descent based on their academic performance) in Grades 3rd - 5th. Choose three young men and three young ladies (or any combination). Our base is six students. However, you may select more African American students who meet the academic criteria, and they are welcome to participate.

Principals/teachers should turn in their list of students on or before Thursday, January 19, 2023. We will provide you with a checklist to verify the correctness for middle and high school principals or designees.


All African American/Black Honor Roll recipients in Grades 3-12 will receive a certificate and medallion(s). Included is a Kente cloth stole for each middle/high school 4.0 GPA earner in Fall 2022. Expect these awards in the school mail the week of February 13th, or principals or designees may pick them up at Leola Havard EES, 1551 Newcomb Avenue, 2nd Floor, Room 206.

Each year, this Ceremony is a signature event among African American/Black Families and Community Members and the City & County of San Francisco.

More Information

Contact Etoria Cheeks, Chairperson

cheekse@sfusd.edu(link sends email)

(415) 302-2485

SFUSD neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity described in this announcement. This distribution is provided as a community service.

Announcement Links