New COVID-19 Guidelines from SFDPH

Announcement Details

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Central Offices
County School

Announcement Message

Dear SFUSD Families,

Happy New Year, and welcome back to school! Public health officials have recently updated their guidance regarding isolation and quarantining. SFUSD will follow the updated guidance. Please see below for new guidance and tips from the SF Department of Public Health. 

Positive Tests

People who test positive for COVID-19 must isolate for 5-10 days. If they are asymptomatic or their symptoms are improving (without fever for 24 hours), they may end isolation as early as day 6 if they subsequently test negative for COVID-19 on or after day 5. If they do not test and remain asymptomatic, they can return on day 11 of quarantine. 

Whether they return on day 6 or later, they should continue to wear a well-fitted mask when around others indoors and outdoors for 10 days after the last close contact.

The change is motivated by science demonstrating that the majority of SARS-CoV-2 transmission occurs early in the course of illness, generally in the 1-2 days prior to onset of symptoms and the 2-3 days after. See updated guidance(link is external).

Close Contacts

Students are considered fully vaccinated if they have completed their two doses. A booster is not required to be up to date on vaccination. Fully vaccinated students do not need to quarantine if identified as a close contact. Students who are not fully vaccinated will need to quarantine if identified as a close contact. 

Masking for Indoor Sports Practice

Masking is once again required for all indoor sports practice, regardless of vaccination status. Guidance for TK-12 Schools(link is external) and Programs for Children and Youth (link is external)have been updated with a temporary suspension of recent changes to sports guidance. 

Reminder: COVID Testing

Thank you for staying home when you are sick and for testing. 

For those experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, please do not come into school. You may go to the Crocker-Amazon testing site

If students or staff become symptomatic while on campus, or are identified as close contacts, all school sites have unmonitored self-swab Color kits that can be used and dropped off on the same day at any of the following: (1) any school site on the courier pick-up route before 10 a.m., (2) any of the mobile testing sites, or (3) any central office drop-off locations from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 

SFUSD students and families can also take a COVID-19 test at any City location where it is available(link is external), which includes your primary health care provider or at community and public testing sites. Please visit is external) or call SFDPH COVID Resource Center at 628-652-2700 for locations and schedule.

SFUSD will continue to implement protocols for if/when there is a positive case at our schools–we will take appropriate actions to isolate and quarantine impacted students and staff, and notify you as soon as information is available.  


Absences will be excused, and families can request short-term independent study, if students are missing school due to COVID-19 quarantine or isolation. Review these FAQs to learn more.

We recognize that as long as there is COVID-19 in the community, there will be cases in our schools. Let’s do our part to help keep our schools and community as healthy as possible by getting vaccinated and boosted, staying home when sick and masking. Below we have included some tips from SFDPH. We will get through this tough time together. 


Dr. Vincent Matthews


Tips from SFDPH - How to stay safe:

  • Have everyone ages 5+ get their COVID-19 vaccine and booster if eligible.
  • Anyone who develops symptoms of COVID-19 should isolate themselves and get tested as soon as possible.
  • Get tested before travel, upon return, and again 3-5 days later.
  • Take advantage of quick and easy home test kits available in pharmacies and stores.
  • Outside gatherings are safer than indoor gatherings. Limit the number and size of indoor gatherings.
  • Take all precautions, including vaccinations, boosters, and testing when gathering with others without masks – especially with elderly or immunocompromised individuals, and anyone who is unvaccinated or not yet boosted.
  • Wear a well-fitted mask indoors and in crowded settings. To best protect yourself, wear an N95 or double mask with a cloth mask over a surgical mask to improve the seal. If possible, avoid wearing only a cloth mask during this surge.
  • Unvaccinated adults should avoid travel and gatherings outside their household. 
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer often.
  • Layer your defenses, and reduce your household’s risk exposure during periods of high transmission, like the current omicron surge.

 What to do if you test positive for COVID: 

Individuals who test positive, including if they are asymptomatic, should assume they are infected with COVID-19 and take measures to get care and isolate away from others. Additionally, they should notify their healthcare provider about their positive test result and stay in contact with them during their illness. Individuals who do not have a provider or need assistance with isolation can connect with the SFDPH COVID Resource Center at (628) 217-6101.

More information about what to do if you test positive can be found here(link is external).

Other COVID-19 resources:

For a list of vaccination and booster sites in San Francisco, go to: is external)

Announcement Links