Free Meals Available During School Closure

Announcement Details

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Announcement Message

Student Nutrition Services is committed to ensuring no child goes hungry and will provide free meals to all children in San Francisco while schools are closed.

Free grab and go meals are available to pick up on Monday and Wednesday at the sites listed below. On Monday, we serve 2 days worth of breakfast, lunch and supper, and on Wednesday we serve 3 days worth of breakfast, lunch, and supper. Each bag includes meals such as cereal and muffins for breakfast; sandwiches and pupusas for lunch; pizza and burritos for supper; fresh fruit, vegetables and milk. 

Adults can pick up meals for children without a child present. Shelf-stable meals will also be available. Families will not need to enter the building for pick-up.

For a full list of additional pickup times and locations, please visit our website at

The City has updated information about where to get food resources(link is external). You may also call 311 to get help finding resources.

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