Deputy Superintendent of Instruction

Enikia Ford Morthel Link to this section

Enikia Ford Morthel is an urban educator with over 21 years of experience serving the Bay Area’s most historically underserved communities. She is currently the Deputy Superintendent of Instruction for San Francisco Unified School District. 

Prior to this appointment, she has facilitated the turn-around of underperforming schools and incubation of new schools in some of the Bay Area's highest needs communities, including San Francisco’s Bayview/’Potrero Hill communities, where she was the Assistant Superintendent for 2.5 years. In her tenure as an educational leader she has increased family and community partnership, increased instructional coherence and reduced teacher turnover all leading to significant and positive changes in student experience and academic outcomes. Enikia feels called to use her diverse experience in private, charter and traditional public schools to improve education as a whole and disrupt the inequities of our system. She came to SFUSD as she believes the concept of serving ‘each and every student’ is both compelling, revolutionary and aligned to her life’s calling. 

Outside of her ‘day job’, Enikia continues to engage and empower communities of color. She advances these efforts in her role as professor/Senior Lecturer of Urban Education at Loyola Marymount University and as a consultant for education companies and Bay Area CBOs. She partnered with Seneca Family of Agencies as a lead developer of the All-In Partnership, which has transformed Special Education and Response to Intervention in countless schools serving communities of increased trauma. She serves on a number of boards including WestEd and 826 Valencia.

Enikia is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley, where she received her Bachelors and Master's degrees in Education. 

This page was last updated on October 27, 2021