Meeting Calendar and Agendas for the 2024-25 School Year Link to this section
View the Board Meeting Schedule for the 2024-25 School Year.
Upcoming Meetings
Link to this section
Unless otherwise noticed, Regular and Monitoring Workshop meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, according to Board Rules and Procedures. All regular and special: monitoring workshop meetings are open to the public.
Public Comment:
Access the protocols for public comment at Board of Education meetings and how else to provide your comments.
The agenda for the next regular or monitoring meeting will be posted 72 hours before the meeting is scheduled to occur. Agendas for special meetings are posted at least 24 hours in advance.
Live Video and Archives:
Live video and archives can be watched at San Francisco Government TV. Audio recordings of meetings are posted to the Board Meeting Documents Archive.
Feb 25: DRAFT AGENDA: Regular Meeting - Monitoring Workshop
The Board of Education recently approved new board operating procedures to improve governance. One new procedure is to publish a draft board agenda 12 days prior to the board meeting. Click here for the DRAFT agenda.
This draft agenda is a Google Doc and formatted differently. We are not able to publish a draft in Board Docs.
The final agenda will be published in Board Docs on Friday, Feb 21, 2025.
The purpose of publishing this draft agenda is to ...
increase transparency for the public about what will be discussed at the Board meeting
provide time for the Board to review and ask questions prior to the meeting
allow staff to respond prior to the meeting
There may be slight modifications to agenda items based on questions staff receives.
1. Call to Order
2. Accessibility Information - Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
3. Translation Services, American Sign Language Interpreter Services and Closed Captioning Information
4. Virtual Meeting Information
5. Childcare Information
6. Questions and Answers Regarding Agenda Items
7. Public Comment on Closed Session Agenda Items Only
1. General Information
2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
4. Student Matter(s)
5. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release
6. Conference with Labor Negotiators
7. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
1. Vote on Student Expulsion Matters
2. Report From Closed Session
1. Protocol for Public Comment
2. Comments/SFUSD Students
3. Comments on Agenda Items
4. Comments Non-Agenda Items
1. Adopt San Francisco Unified School District's Initial Proposals to United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) Certificated and Classified Units and United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) Certificated and Classified Units Initial Proposals to San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
1. Overview of Personnel Actions
2. 252-25Sp1 - Consider / Approve Resolution Reducing / Laying Off Certificated Employee Services for the 2025-2026 School Year
3. 252-25Sp2 - Consider / Approve Resolution Reducing / Laying Off Classified Employee Services for the 2025-2026 School Year
4. 252-25Sp3 - Consider/Approve Resolution to Determine Tiebreaker Criteria
5. 252-25Sp4 - Consider/Approve Resolution to Determine Skipping Criteria
1. Progress Monitoring Report: Goal 3 - College and Career Readiness
1. Consent Calendar Organization
2. Items Withdrawn or Corrected by the Superintendent
4. Authorization for Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025
5. Authorization to declare obsolete E-waste & Furniture and list for Disposal
7. Certificated Personnel Actions, Resolution No.
8. Classified Personnel Actions, Resolution No.
10. K-12 Data Sharing and Services Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) between the Foundation for California Community Colleges, on behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative ("CCGI") and San Francisco Unified School District
11. Authorization to enter into Individual Service Agreement with Intern School Counselor
12. ----- MOU CONSENT ITEMS -----
13. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOU with Community Based Organizations - 2/25/2025
1. LCAP Mid Year Update
2. Fiscal and Operational Health Update
Feb 25: Regular Meeting - Monitoring Workshop
Meeting begins at 5:00 p.m. with closed session. Public open session begins at 6:30 p.m.
ADA Accommodations: To request accommodations in order to participate remotely, please call (415) 355-7364 as soon as possible but at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Translation Services: SFUSD will provide interpretation throughout today's Board meeting.
Interpretation at the Board of Education meetings will be provided via Google Meet.
Please fully charge your phone and bring earphones.
For Chinese interpretation, please call 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
三藩市聯合校區將透過Google Meet為教育委員會會議提供傳譯服務。
親身或以虛擬方式參加會議, 並需要傳譯服務的家長將要撥打以下Google Meet號碼:
粵語傳譯,請致電 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
請把手機充滿電, 並帶備耳機。
For Spanish interpretation, please call 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#
Los servicios de interpretación en las reuniones de la Junta de Educación se proporcionarán mediante la plataforma de Google Meet.
Los padres que asistan a la reunión en persona o de manera virtual y que necesiten interpretación llamarán a los siguientes números de Google Meet
Para interpretacion en espanol, por favor llame al 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#. Cargue completamente su teléfono y traiga auriculares por favor.
Observe Meetings: To observe the February 25, 2025 Regular Meeting - Monitoring Workshop by video conference, please click here at the noticed meeting time. Webinar Password: 866086 It may help to download the Zoom app before the meeting if you don’t have it already. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at: -Joining-a-Meeting.
To listen to the meeting by phone, please call at the noticed meeting time (669) 900 9128, then enter Webinar ID 850 4953 0655 then press #. Password: 866086. If asked for a participant id or code, press #. Get instructions on how to join a meeting by phone.
Every effort will be made to broadcast this meeting via Zoom Webinar. Members of the public are advised that in the event the Board experiences technical difficulties, the meeting will continue without broadcasting.
View the full agenda on BoardDocs
Simple Agenda
- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Accessibility Information - Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
- 3. Translation Services, American Sign Language Interpreter Services and Closed Captioning Information
- 4. Virtual Meeting Information
- 5. Childcare Information
- 6. Questions and Answers Regarding Agenda Items
- 7. Public Comment on Closed Session Agenda Items Only
- 1. General Information
- 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
- 3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
- 4. Student Matter(s)
- 5. Conference with Labor Negotiators
- 6. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release
- 7. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
- 1. Report From Closed Session
- 1. Protocol for Public Comment
- 2. Comments/SFUSD Students
- 3. Comments on Agenda Items
- 4. Comments Non-Agenda Items
- 1. Adopt San Francisco Unified School District's Initial Proposals to United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) Certificated and Classified Units and United Educators of San Francisco (UESF) Certificated and Classified Units Initial Proposals to San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD)
- 1. Overview of Personnel Actions
- 2. 252-25Sp1 - Consider / Approve Resolution Reducing / Laying Off Certificated Employee Services for the 2025-2026 School Year
- 3. 252-25Sp2 - Consider / Approve Resolution Reducing / Laying Off Classified Employee Services for the 2025-2026 School Year
- 4. 252-25Sp3 - Consider/Approve Resolution to Determine Tiebreaker Criteria
- 5. 252-25Sp4 - Consider/Approve Resolution to Determine Skipping Criteria
- 1. Progress Monitoring Report: Goal 3 - College and Career Readiness
- 1. Consent Calendar Organization
- 2. Items Withdrawn or Corrected by the Superintendent
- 3. ----- GENERAL CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 4. Authorization for Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025
- 5. Authorization to declare obsolete E-waste & Furniture and list for Disposal
- 7. Certificated Personnel Actions, Resolution No.252-25F1-F2
- 8. ----- FINANCE CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 9. K-12 Data Sharing and Services Partnership Agreement (“Agreement”) between the Foundation for California Community Colleges, on behalf of the California College Guidance Initiative ("CCGI") and San Francisco Unified School District
- 10. Authorization to enter into Individual Service Agreement with Intern School Counselor
- 11. ----- MOU CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 12. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOU with Community Based Organizations - 2/25/2025
- 1. Fiscal and Operational Health Update
- 2. LCAP Mid Year Update
To Make Public Comment on Agenda Items
The Board President or Chair will introduce Public Comments on Agenda Items and call for speakers, and staff indicated who will be speaking next.
Mar 4: Special Meeting
Meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.
Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
555 Franklin Street, First Floor
San Francisco, California 94102
ADA Accommodations: To request accommodations in order to participate remotely, please call (415) 355-7364 as soon as possible but at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Translation Services: SFUSD will provide interpretation throughout today's Board meeting.
Interpretation at the Board of Education meetings will be provided via Google Meet.
Please fully charge your phone and bring earphones.
For Chinese interpretation, please call 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
三藩市聯合校區將透過Google Meet為教育委員會會議提供傳譯服務。
親身或以虛擬方式參加會議, 並需要傳譯服務的家長將要撥打以下Google Meet號碼:
粵語傳譯,請致電 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
請把手機充滿電, 並帶備耳機。
For Spanish interpretation, please call 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#
Los servicios de interpretación en las reuniones de la Junta de Educación se proporcionarán mediante la plataforma de Google Meet.
Los padres que asistan a la reunión en persona o de manera virtual y que necesiten interpretación llamarán a los siguientes números de Google Meet
Para interpretacion en espanol, por favor llame al 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#
Cargue completamente su teléfono y traiga auriculares por favor.
Observe Meetings
Every effort will be made to broadcast this meeting via Zoom Webinar. Members of the public are advised that in the event the Board experiences technical difficulties, the meeting will continue without broadcasting.
To observe the meeting by video conference:
Click here at the noticed meeting time.
Webinar Password: 457367
It may help to download the Zoom app before the meeting if you dont have it already. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at: -Joining-a-Meeting.
Listen to Meetings By Phone
To listen to the meeting by phone:
Dial 1 669 900-9128 at the noticed meeting time, then enter
Webinar ID: 846 7277 5135 then press #.
Password: 457367
If asked for a participant ID or code, press #. Instructions on how to join a meeting by phone are available at: -Joining-a-meeting-by-phone.
Every effort will be made to broadcast this meeting via Zoom Webinar. Members of the public are advised that in the event the Board experiences technical difficulties, the meeting will continue without broadcasting.
View the full agenda on BoardDocs
Simple Agenda
- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Accessibility Information - Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
- 3. Translation Services, American Sign Language Interpreter Services and Closed Captioning Information
- 4. Virtual Meeting Information
- 5. Public comment on Closed Session agenda items only
- 1. General Information
- 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
- 3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
- 4. Student Matter(s)
- 5. Conference with Labor Negotiators
- 6. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release
- 7. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
- 1. Report From Closed Session
- 1. Consent Calendar Organization
- 2. Items Withdrawn or Corrected by the Superintendent
- 3. ----- FINANCE CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 4. Representation Agreement with the San Francisco City Attorney's Office
Mar 11: DRAFT AGENDA Regular Meeting
The Board of Education recently approved new board operating procedures to improve governance. One new procedure is to publish a draft board agenda 12 days prior to the board meeting. Click here for the DRAFT detailed agenda.
This draft agenda is a Google Doc and formatted differently. We are not able to publish a draft in Board Docs.
The final agenda will be published in Board Docs on Friday, March 7, 2025.
The purpose of publishing this draft agenda is to ...
increase transparency for the public about what will be discussed at the Board meeting
provide time for the Board to review and ask questions prior to the meeting
allow staff to respond prior to the meeting
There may be slight modifications to agenda items based on questions staff receives.
1. Call to Order
2. Accessibility Information - Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
3. Translation Services, American Sign Language Interpreter Services and Closed Captioning Information
4. Information to Observe Meeting and Participate Virtually
5. Childcare Information
6. Public comment on Closed Session agenda items only
1. General Information
2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
4. Student Matter(s)
5. Conference with Labor Negotiators
6. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release
7. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
1. Vote on Student Expulsion Matters
2. Report From Closed Session
1. Land Acknowledgement
2. Approval of Board Minutes -
3. Questions and Answers Regarding Agenda Items
4. Review Order of Agenda Items
5. Superintendent's Report
6. Student Delegates' Report
7. Recognitions and Resolutions of Commendation
1. Protocol for Public Comment
2. Comments/SFUSD Students
3. Comments on Agenda Items
4. Comments Non-Agenda Items
1. The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
1. San Francisco Unified School District Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2024
2. Fiscal Year 2024-25 Second Interim Report, Qualified Fiscal Certification for the San Francisco Unified School District and Positive Certification for the County Office of Education
3. Resolution to approve Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan (SERP)
4. Approval of Resolution and Authorizing Documents for the Issuance and Sale of the San Francisco Unified School District’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds In an Amount Not to Exceed $160,000,000, by Negotiated Sale
5. Approval of Resolution and Authorizing Documents for the Issuance and Sale of the San Francisco Unified School District’s General Obligation Bonds in an Amount Not to Exceed $160,000,000, by Negotiated Sale
6. In Support of Naming the Auditorium at Everett Middle School after Ruben Urbina
7. Superintendent and Board of Education Short Term Evaluation Metrics
1. Consent Calendar Organization
2. Items Withdrawn or Corrected by the Superintendent
4. Request to Accept Privately Funded Gifts, Grants and Donations
5. Request to Accept Federal, State and Local Grants (Government Grants)
6. Authorization for Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025
7. Approval of Student Travel for Alice Fong Yu Alternative School
8. Approval of Student Travel for Lowell High School
10. Hold - Certificated Personnel Actions, Resolution No.
11. Hold - Classified Personnel Actions, Resolution No.
13. Summary of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Year to Date Contracts including Professional Services, Software, and Consultants.
14. Ratification of the attached contracts and amendments to contracts under $114,500 processed between January 25, 2025 – February 21, 2025.
15. Approve Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Contracts over $114,500 processed between January 25, 2025 – February 21, 2025.
16. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Creative Learning Center and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
17. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Crimson Heights and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
18. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Wellspring Educational Services and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
19. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with The Stanbridge Academy and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
20. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Spectrum and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
21. Addendum to 2024-25 Master Contract with Telos Academy and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
22. Submission and Approval of Contract by Student Nutrition Services with CoolRite Refrigeration
23. Submission and Approval of Contract by Student Nutrition Services with Pacific Produce
24. California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Agreement with Digital Scepter Corporation to purchase Information Technology Goods and Services
25. GoTo Communications, Inc. Phase II - 3rd Amendment to add Commodore Stockton EES
26. Individual Service Agreements with San Francisco State University Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Jordan Chu and Kendra Nelson-Rury
27. Individual Service Agreements with University of San Francisco Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Ayana Kelly, Ivy Denham-Conroy, and Robert Bottome
28. Individual Service Agreements with University of San Francisco Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Ayana Kelly, Ivy Denham-Conroy, Robert Bottome, Sarah Murphy, Kassidy Tolbert, and Michele Chester
29. Individual Services Agreement with National University School Psychology Intern: Scott Sweeney
31. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #7 to Contract #5986 - Bana Builders, Inc.
32. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6029 – Angotti & Reilly
33. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification # 2 to Contract #5747 – August-Jaye Construction
34. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Lease-Leaseback Agreement #6205 - McCarthy Building Companies
35. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6241 - Kitchell CEM
36. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Lease Agreement #6196 – Mobile Modular
37. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #2 to Contract #6091 - Multistudio
38. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #18 to Master Agreement #5656 – Sensible Environmental Solutions
39. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Amendment #2 to Master Agreement #6167 - Multistudio
40. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6236 – Angotti and Reilly, Inc.
41. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6243 - Swinerton Management & Consulting
42. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6245 – Angotti & Reilly, Inc.
43. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6239 - Cal Pacific Construction, Inc.
44. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6240 - Cal Pacific Construction, Inc.
45. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6249 - Wickman Development and Construction
46. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6049, Modification #1 - Hoi's Construction, Inc.
47. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6248, City Mechanical, Inc.
48. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6251, Rainbow Waterproofing and Restoration Co.
49. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6252, I&A Contractor, Inc.
50. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6253, Stronger Building Services
51. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6254, I&A Contractor, Inc.
52. Ratification of Facilities Design and Construction Contracts and Contract Amendments
53. Errata Report for Facilities Design and Construction
54. Ratification of Proposition A Bond Program Contracts
56. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Agreement #5785 - Lionakis
57. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6009 - Elmast Construction
58. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6094 – PLUM Architects
59. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6057 – DSK Architects
60. ----- MOU CONSENT ITEMS -----
61. Donated Improvement Memorandum of Understanding for Mission High School
62. Authorization to Enter Into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Simmons University, Masters of Social Work Program
63. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ohlone Community College for ASL Interpreter Internships
64. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOU with Community Based Organizations - 3/11/2025
65. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Lombard Auto Body
66. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Bayview-Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology (BAYCAT)
67. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with San Francisco Education Fund
68. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Munroe Motors Inc.
69. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with DLR Group
70. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc.
71. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Charity Cultural Services Center
72. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with San Francisco Nighthawks
1. Report from Board Delegates to Membership Organizations
2. All Other Reports by Board Members
3. Discretionary Advisory Committee Appointments by Commissioners
Mar 11: Regular Meeting
Meeting begins at 5:00 p.m. with closed session. Public open session begins at 6:30 p.m.
ADA Accommodations: To request accommodations in order to participate remotely, please call (415) 355-7364 as soon as possible but at least seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled meeting.
Translation Services: SFUSD will provide interpretation throughout today's Board meeting.
Interpretation at the Board of Education meetings will be provided via Google Meet.
Please fully charge your phone and bring earphones.
For Chinese interpretation, please call 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
三藩市聯合校區將透過Google Meet為教育委員會會議提供傳譯服務。
親身或以虛擬方式參加會議, 並需要傳譯服務的家長將要撥打以下Google Meet號碼:
粵語傳譯,請致電 1 484-854-3328 PIN: 721 609 895#
請把手機充滿電, 並帶備耳機。
For Spanish interpretation, please call 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#
Los servicios de interpretación en las reuniones de la Junta de Educación se proporcionarán mediante la plataforma de Google Meet.
Los padres que asistan a la reunión en persona o de manera virtual y que necesiten interpretación llamarán a los siguientes números de Google Meet
Para interpretacion en espanol, por favor llame al 1 319-382-9676 PIN: 665 996 976#
Cargue completamente su teléfono y traiga auriculares por favor.
SFUSD will provide Closed Captioning and American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter Services throughout today’s board meeting. Live transcription can be found here: Attendees who wish to provide public comment to the Board and would like an ASL interpreter can use the Q&A box in the Zoom app to type their name or handle, and list the item(s) on the agenda they would like to comment on. The attendee will need to have a functioning camera in order to communicate with the interpreter and Board. When it is the attendee’s opportunity to provide comment, the Zoom host will promote the attendee to panelist and enable the attendee’s video. Any member of the public may email their comments with the agenda item identified in the comment to boardoffice by 2:00 pm the day of the meeting if they do not wish to make the comment during the Board meeting. The comments will be read into the record.
Observe Meetings: To observe the March 11, 2025 Regular Board meeting by video conference, please click here at the noticed meeting time. Webinar Password: 253156. It may help to download the Zoom app before the meeting if you don’t have it already. Instructions on how to join a meeting by video conference are available at: -Joining-a-Meeting.
To listen to the meeting by phone, please call at the noticed meeting time (669) 900 9128, then enter Webinar ID 830 0582 9051 then press “#”. Password: 253156. If asked for a participant id or code, press #. Get instructions on how to join a meeting by phone.
Childcare Services: SFUSD will provide childcare for Regular Board Meetings and Monitoring Meetings on the 1st floor in the Enrollment Center at 555 Franklin Street from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. (or the close of the meeting, whichever comes first). Childcare is for families who will be attending the Regular and Monitoring Board meetings. Space is limited and will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis for children ages 3 to 10.
Questions? Please contact the Board of Education Office, at (415) 241-6427 or
View the full agenda on BoardDocs
Simple Agenda
- 1. Call to Order
- 2. Accessibility Information - Irving G. Breyer Board Meeting Room
- 3. Translation Services, American Sign Language Interpreter Services and Closed Captioning Information
- 4. Information to Observe Meeting and Participate Virtually
- 5. Childcare Information
- 6. Public comment on Closed Session agenda items only
- 1. General Information
- 2. Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation
- 3. Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation
- 4. Student Matter(s)
- 5. Conference with Labor Negotiators
- 6. Public Employee Discipline/Dismissal Release
- 7. Public Employee Performance Evaluation
- 1. Report From Closed Session
- 1. Land Acknowledgement
- 2. Approval of Board Minutes - Regular Meeting of Feb 11, 2025 and Regular Monitoring Meeting of Feb 25, 2025
- 3. Questions and Answers Regarding Agenda Items
- 4. Review Order of Agenda Items
- 5. Superintendent's Report
- 6. Student Delegates' Report
- 7. Recognitions and Resolutions of Commendation
- 1. Protocol for Public Comment
- 2. Comments/SFUSD Students
- 3. Comments on Agenda Items
- 4. Comments Non-Agenda Items
- 1. The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC)
- 1. 253-11Sp1 - San Francisco Unified School District Audit Report for the Year Ended June 30, 2024
- 2. 253-11Sp2 - Fiscal Year 2024-25 Second Interim Report, Negative Fiscal Certification for the San Francisco Unified School District and Positive Certification for the County Office of Education
- 3. 253-11Sp3 - Fiscal Stabilization Plan Update
- 4. 253-11Sp4 - Resolution to approve Supplemental Employee Retirement Plan (SERP)
- 5. 253-11Sp5 - Approval of Resolution and Authorizing Documents for the Issuance and Sale of the San Francisco Unified School District’s General Obligation Refunding Bonds In an Amount Not to Exceed $160,000,000, by Negotiated Sale
- 6. 253-11Sp6 - Approval of Resolution and Authorizing Documents for the Issuance and Sale of the San Francisco Unified School District’s General Obligation Bonds in an Amount Not to Exceed $160,000,000, by Negotiated Sale
- 7. 253-11Sp7 - In Support of Naming the Auditorium at Everett Middle School after Ruben Urbina
- 8. 253-11Sp8 - Superintendent and Board of Education Short Term Evaluation Metrics
- 1. Consent Calendar Organization
- 2. Items Withdrawn or Corrected by the Superintendent
- 3. ----- GENERAL CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 4. Request to Accept Privately Funded Gifts, Grants and Donations
- 5. Request to Accept Federal, State and Local Grants (Government Grants)
- 6. Authorization for Budget Transfers for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025
- 7. Approval of Student Travel for Alice Fong Yu Alternative School
- 8. Approval of Student Travel for Lowell High School
- 10. Certificated Personnel Actions, Resolution No.253-11F1-F12
- 11. Classified Personnel Actions, Resolution No. 253-11G1-G12
- 12. ----- FINANCE CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 13. Summary of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Year to Date Contracts including Professional Services, Software, and Consultants.
- 14. Ratification of the attached contracts and amendments to contracts under $114,500 processed between January 25, 2025 – February 21, 2025.
- 15. Approve Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-2025 Contracts over $114,500 processed between January 25, 2025 – February 21, 2025.
- 16. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Creative Learning Center and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 17. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Crimson Heights and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 18. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Wellspring Educational Services and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 19. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with The Stanbridge Academy and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 20. Authorization to enter into a Master Contract with Spectrum and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 21. Addendum to 2024-25 Master Contract with Telos Academy and SFUSD for provision of instructional services
- 22. Submission and Approval of Contract by Student Nutrition Services with CoolRite Refrigeration
- 23. Submission and Approval of Contract by Student Nutrition Services with Pacific Produce
- 24. California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) Agreement with Digital Scepter Corporation to purchase Information Technology Goods and Services
- 25. GoTo Communications, Inc. Phase II - 3rd Amendment to add Commodore Stockton EES
- 26. Individual Service Agreements with San Francisco State University Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Jordan Chu and Kendra Nelson-Rury
- 27. Individual Service Agreements with University of San Francisco Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Ayana Kelly, Ivy Denham-Conroy, and Robert Bottome
- 28. Individual Service Agreements with University of San Francisco Student Teachers, Counselors or Administrator Intern: Ayana Kelly, Ivy Denham-Conroy, Robert Bottome, Sarah Murphy, Kassidy Tolbert, and Michele Chester
- 29. Individual Services Agreement with National University School Psychology Intern: Scott Sweeney
- 31. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #7 to Contract #5986 - Bana Builders, Inc.
- 32. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6029 – Angotti & Reilly
- 33. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification # 2 to Contract #5747 – August-Jaye Construction
- 34. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Lease-Leaseback Agreement #6205 - McCarthy Building Companies
- 35. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6241 - Kitchell CEM
- 36. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Lease Agreement #6196 – Mobile Modular
- 37. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #2 to Contract #6091 - Multistudio
- 38. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #18 to Master Agreement #5656 – Sensible Environmental Solutions
- 39. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Amendment #2 to Master Agreement #6167 - Multistudio
- 40. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6236 – Angotti and Reilly, Inc.
- 41. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6243 - Swinerton Management & Consulting
- 42. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6245 – Angotti & Reilly, Inc.
- 43. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6239 - Cal Pacific Construction, Inc.
- 44. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6240 - Cal Pacific Construction, Inc.
- 45. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Orders and Modifications in connection with the School Building Program – Contract #6249 - Wickman Development and Construction
- 46. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6049, Modification #1 - Hoi's Construction, Inc.
- 47. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6248, City Mechanical, Inc.
- 48. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6251, Rainbow Waterproofing and Restoration Co.
- 49. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6252, I&A Contractor, Inc.
- 50. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6253, Stronger Building Services
- 51. Contracts, Orders for Service, Work Order and Modifications in Connection with the School Building Program - Contract #6254, I&A Contractor, Inc.
- 52. Ratification of Facilities Design and Construction Contracts and Contract Amendments
- 53. Errata Report for Facilities Design and Construction for the 4th Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023-2024, 1st Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024-2025 and 2nd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2024-2025
- 54. Ratification of Proposition A Bond Program Contracts
- 56. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Agreement #5785 - Lionakis
- 57. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6009 - Elmast Construction
- 58. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6094 – PLUM Architects
- 59. Submission and approval of a Retroactive Contract Modification in connection with the School Building Program – Modification #1 to Contract #6057 – DSK Architects
- 60. ----- MOU CONSENT ITEMS -----
- 61. Donated Improvement Memorandum of Understanding for Mission High School
- 62. Authorization to Enter Into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Simmons University, Masters of Social Work Program
- 63. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Ohlone Community College for ASL Interpreter Internships
- 64. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOU with Community Based Organizations - 3/11/2025
- 65. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Bayview-Hunters Point Center for Arts and Technology (BAYCAT)
- 66. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with DLR Group
- 67. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with Charity Cultural Services Center
- 68. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with San Francisco Education Fund
- 69. Memoranda of Understanding (MOU) - Authorization to Enter Into MOUs with KPFF Consulting Engineers, Inc.
- 1. Report from Board Delegates to Membership Organizations
- 2. All Other Reports by Board Members
- 3. Discretionary Advisory Committee Appointments by Commissioners
To Make Public Comment on Agenda Items
The Board President or Chair will introduce Public Comments on Agenda Items and call for speakers, and staff indicated who will be speaking next.
Board of Education Meetings Calendar
Board of Education Meetings
This page was last updated on March 7, 2025