Ulloa Elementary School

More about this school

  • School Type

    Elementary School (K, 1-5)
  • Estimated Enrollment

  • Principal

    • Mellisa Jew
  • Assistant Principal(s)

    • Son-Hui Wong
  • Hours

    Mo: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
    Tu: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
    We: 9:30 am–2:30 pm
    Th: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
    Fr: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
  • School Tour

    Families Assigned to Ulloa for the 25-26 School Year

    Dates: Friday, March 21st

    Time: 10:00AM - 11:00AM

    Location: Main Office

    Sign up for a school tour at sfusd.edu/tours.

  • This School Feeds Into

  • Neighborhood

    Outer Sunset
  • Transportation

    Muni: 18 46th Avenue, 23 Monterey, 29 Sunset, L Taraval Bus General Education School Buses: Oceanview (114 Lobos St. - near Sheridan ES), Cayuga Terrace (300 Seneca Ave. - near San Miguel EES) and Bayview (1522 Oakdale Ave. - near Leola M. Havard EES)
  • School Bus

  • School Meals

    Breakfast, Lunch, After School Supper

    View menus at sfusd.edu/menus.

  • School Code

  • Ulloa Elementary School is the home of the Sharks. In nature, sharks are known to gather and work together when they have a common purpose. Ulloa Sharks come together for the shared purpose of working creating a school community where every single community member can thrive. 


    Ulloa  strives to provide a safe school environment that nurtures our students in all areas of their development: cognitive, physical,  social and emotional. We are committed to supporting our students in developing skills that will help them to find success at Ulloa and beyond. In addition to finding academic success, we want our students to gain a better understanding of themselves, others, and the world around them so that they become global citizens that can navigate the novel challenges that arise from our ever changing world. 


    Our classrooms are designed to be safe environments where academic discourse is cultivated, and mistakes are viewed as opportunities to learn and grow. We encourage our students to take risks in their learning, develop growth mindsets, and to think critically about the world around them. We also support our students in developing skills outside of the classroom. Students are provided opportunities to learn more about themselves and others through various leadership opportunities, staff facilitated activities, and student clubs. 


    Ulloa values Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We work together to build understanding around our shared commonalities as human beings and celebrate the unique identities that each person brings to our school.  We understand that every person has areas of strengths and challenges and as a result, may need things that are specific to each individual’s needs. We commit to creating a fully inclusive community where every member feels included, and is valued for their multiple identities and experiences. We want every one of our students, families and staff to feel a deep sense of belonging in our community. 

  • Before School Programs

    Ulloa Children's Center is a on-site private organization that provides quality before and after school care for students, Kindergarten to 5th Grade. The before school program is provided from Monday to Friday, 7:00am to 9:30am.
  • After School Programs

    Ulloa has 2 after school options, ASLP and Ulloa Childcare. The After School Learning Program (ASLP), which is run by the non-profit Sunset Neighborhood Beacon Center (SNBC), is offered to students in grades 2-5. Space is limited for this program and participants must meet the attendance requirements set by Federal Grant guidelines. The Ulloa Children's Center after school program is provided Monday to Friday, until 6:30pm.
  • Language Programs

    • Cantonese Biliteracy Program
  • Special Education Programs

    • Resource Specialist Program Services
  • School Day Academic Enrichment

    • Outdoor education program
  • Arts Enrichment

    • Other
    Theater - Kindergarten to 1st Grade
    Taiko Drumming - 2nd to 5th Grade
    Instrumental Music (clarinet, flute, trumpet, ukulele, violin) - 4th to 5th Grade
    LEAP Arts in Education - Kindergarten to 5th Grade (year long)
  • Student Support Programs

    • Other
    • Social worker
School Data

Application Data

General education entry grade seats per application: 11%
Contact Info
  • Address

    2650 42nd Avenue, San Francisco, CA, 94116
  • Phone Number

  • Fax Number

  • Email



Map showing the location of the school.
Ulloa Elementary School
K, 1-5
2650 42nd Avenue, San Francisco, 94116
Get directions(link is external)
Mo: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
Tu: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
We: 9:30 am–2:30 pm
Th: 9:30 am–3:45 pm
Fr: 9:30 am–3:45 pm